Sad part of Menopause ..No one undertstand you

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Saddest part of Peri or Post menopause symtoms is no one understands u..not ur Dr not ur family members sometimes.

From last year i am consulting sooo many Dr .

Had soo many tests and scans but my Drs donot understand my problem.

GP told consult Gyn and gyn told its not peri consult Neurologist ..if u have head problems ( vibrations , heavyness and migranes headaches ) go and see him.

GP told its in ur mind...give me pills for stress and sleeping

this round is going on and on from last year.

but no Dr understands me 😭

Sometimes my family also become fed up by hearing i am not feeling fine...i have sooo many symtoms everyday..

most of ladies of my age ( my friends ) r doing fine .enjoying life to fullest....doing parties...outing and soo on.....i know every one is diffrent ...But Still ..

Feeling depressed by seeing my self that i left my teaching job because of off balance and dizziness symtoms 😭

I am in home from long time...donot feel like going out ..i am thinking where my life is heading ...

I think at this stage of life ur Physically and emotionally weak....WHAT ARE YOUR VIEWS IN THIS ??how u all feel and tackle life in this phase .

Thanks to all ladies of this forum for boosting my moral support and giving me hope that HANG IS THERE...πŸ˜€

I am sooo Lucky to be part of this group .

u all beautiful ladies always read my problems and help me out..THANK U πŸ™πŸ™

Hang is there...its Harmones .....its long tunnel with light on other end BECOMES my everyday MANTRA........i keep reminding myself every morning .

Waiting for better days.

Thanks Friends

Love u all


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37 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I agree noone understands (except this forum) so I just keep to myself.. I listed my worse symtom as aniexty BUT now it's this period thing.. I feel dead. Weak, dizzy, slow, vision is blurry.. I slept last night but extremly exhausted today...joints ache, etc.. And now I'm panicky because I can't get anything done-my mind just doesn't want to function.Is this PMS or peri but regardless it's tough. It's Easter next weekend and I have to face family-- UGH Just feel like hiding out!! All they do is ask 'what's wrong with you'? I just started spotting so HOPEFULLY I will get my energy back when it's over!! I just don't see how women with full time jobs with a family can do this? How do they do it? There is no way I could ever plan a big party and feel happy/excited about it.. They must have a good support system-- maybe that's the key. Thanks for allowing me to ramble-- just feeling really crappy now..

    • Posted

      You ramble on darling, we're all with you.

      It's the joint aching, brain fog/forgetfulness and total exhaustion that gets me... it's never ending!!!

      Maybe we'll all have a better day tomorrow... who am i kidding, like i just said - it's never ending! We'll all just have to stick to the 'hope' option for a better day tomorrow!!

      Sending love . xxxx

    • Posted

      same with me dear

      Donot want to meet anyone nor friends neighter family members..i donot have ans to their q what happened to u..ur ill from soo long. too donot feel like meeting anyone.

      tought phase of life.

      i wish we all will be ok soon


  • Posted

    Yep, not one of my friends understands me and my family just kind of glaze over now if I say how I feel.

    Most doctors aren't clued up in my area unless you are happy with 'one size fits all' synthetic HRT... I am progesterone intolerant and they have no idea what to do with me now - there again, even I don't know what to do with me either!!

    We just gotta' ride it out and try to find coping strategies for our day to day lives... find a little something that gives us joy and go with it. This group is one ❀.

    Try to enjoy a little something every day, rest when and if you can and eat a little chocolate ☺.


    • Posted

      Thanks for reply dear..yes ur right enjoy little things ..

      This group is support to me


  • Posted

    Anxiety is my biggest issue as well. I am seeing a therapist. She does understand but I can't be with her all the time.

    I do the things I have to do, but never with a clear head, certainly not with a happy mood or looking forward to anything.

    It is hard to take . I am 56. Unfortunately spotted a few months back. GYN told me to begin HRT or see my GP for antideppresants. I refused to begin HRT. Saw my GYN who prescribed an antidepressant (I obssessively read the internet and didnt begin taking) so he presribed a different one and I haven't started that one either.

    Agree with kelly regarding Easter weekend. Not at all interested in dealing with this. I will just have to pretend for the hours I have to be out and about.

    • Posted

      Anxiety is worst for me too and the first symptom I had. Esp bad since I already had PTSD. And my OBGYN just treats me like I'm crazy, it's all in my head, not related to my hormones when I KNOW based on tests it started getting bad when I hit peri and my progesterone tanked.

  • Posted

    Anxiety is my biggest issue as well. I am seeing a therapist. She does understand but I can't be with her all the time.

    I do the things I have to do, but never with a clear head, certainly not with a happy mood or looking forward to anything.

    It is hard to take . I am 56. Unfortunately spotted a few months back. GYN told me to begin HRT or see my GP for antideppresants. I refused to begin HRT. Saw my GYN who prescribed an antidepressant (I obssessively read the internet and didnt begin taking) so he presribed a different one and I haven't started that one either.

    Agree with kelly regarding Easter weekend. Not at all interested in dealing with this. I will just have to pretend for the hours I have to be out and about.

  • Posted

    Hi Sunaina I couldve written everything you did, most likely I have. I go from crying, anger and rage to feeling like im on drugs to over stimulation, panic, anxiety, those are just the mental symptoms the physical are too many . Its a non stop cycle that I wish would end even if the end is not in my favor. I dont know how to live this way myself. I so wish I had some advice for you and everyone else who comes on here. My family and friends think i need to be on medication, that this is years of untreated depression anxiety ocd and so on . Same as you- been to so many drs so many tests and supplements. I have to work and now I have to work a lot more hours. Have so many things coming up, ive already rsvp'd no to two family bridal showers. My mother passed away 8 years ago, she gave me a prayer card - Angel of hope prayer, I say it everyday

    Angel of hope my guardian dear to whom my love entrusts me near ever this day be at my side to light and guard to bless and guide.

    Just try and hang in there the best you can. Sometimes the ppl around you arent going to understand and theres nothing you can do about that- just focus on you best you can i know its hard. This is a place you can come to and theres no judgment from anyone. love hugs and kisses to all you ladies I hope the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter each day and ill say to you what my one friend says to me- ill be waiting holding sunglasses for you:)

    • Posted

      Sooo sweet of u mam

      love the lines waiting holding sunglasses for u ..Thank u soooo much dear.

      Love u

      U all ladies here is great support system to me

      LOVE U ALL

  • Posted

    You are right. And doctors SHOULD understand. In the UK I hear they now have menopause leave. But the US sucks when it comes to healthcare. We still don't even have maternity leave. And it's tough when other women you know had an easy time and so think you're crazy or exaggerating because they didn't have the same experience. That includes my family and friends the same age as me not even close to menopause, despite eating garbage all day, tons of booze, sugar, wheat, you name it. And me all my decades of healthy eating, no booze, no sugar, no wheat. I just read obese women go through menopause later in a study. So now I should have been obese? WTF? You are right these boards are a lifeline. It makes me wonder if something has made peri and menopause worse for this generation? Something in our food, air, evolution, who knows?

    • Posted

      same with me dear..all friends of my age enjoying life to fullest and meeee....😭😭

      i told myself everyone is diffrent..Every one experience this phase at difftent age group....bit still feel bad sometimes 😭😭



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