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Hi sorry to be a pain but I'm back 😔. I'm going to see my doctor today regarding symptoms I'm getting but I'm scared it's nothing to do with perimenapause. my last period was August but for the last two weeks I have suffered bloating,backache and pain down the sides of my lower stomache I want to say at first it felt like really terrible period pain although I have not had a period and don't usually suffer from period pain but I still have the pains. does anyone eles get this or had This?
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Guest bev66
Hi Bev, Sorry you feel lousy. I have not had a period since Aug 27. Worst couple of months of symptoms for me too.
bev66 Guest
Have you had what feels like terrible period pains? are you still having them
Guest bev66
My left ovary gives me a jab of pain...then switches to the right...not constant though. more stomach bloat, gas and GI pain. Regular aches and pains, back, neck, joints are killing. Vertigo is horrible...I am wobbling all over the place.
If a symptom is new or feels different from before...maybe best to get it checked out!
Max2626 bev66
I've not had a period since July Bev and your symptoms sound just like mine! I too have been starting to worry especially about the lower back pain so I feel your pain (literally!) 😃 Hope you;re coping ok but reckon it sounds like our hormones (or lack of!) Max x
yasmina09887 bev66
Hi Bev66,
i would go see a gynechologist. Your hormones now have changed and there will be alot of things that change with your body and the symptoms are familiar with going through per menopause. HRT can help or natural remedies. Try to keep active and eat right.
angela87831 bev66
Sorry to hear Bev, I hope u feel better. Hang in there. Let me know what doctor says. Take care
So now I'm really confused. in Feb I had bloods my doctor then said I'm perimenapausal my count was 29 (don't have a clue what that means) different doctors surgery as have moved bloods done last fri they say I'm waving my count this time is 11? said the symptoms could me hormones but also did a ca 125 blood test and booked me in for a scan on my pelvic area now I'm really really scared!!!!!!!
CarolKelso bev66
Hi bev.. its an Awful scary time and what you are going through is the same for many women. ive been on this road for a while and ive no womb for 10 years and for the past few days ive haf bloated tummy wutj wind in bowel and tummy gurling away and felt like i was getting a period and just feeling crap....
i had some reprieve but symptoms back with a vengence ....
hang tight and google the 66 symptoms if menapause foiund at this aint alone girl and reach out when feeling this kind to yourself through this very challenging transition ....lots of love..CK
juanita93228 bev66
Try not to be scared. Sometimes I think these doctors prey on our fears and order the tests out of greed. Anyway bev, I said a prayer for you and I hope everything turns out fine.
wendy_4261 bev66
Hi bev, go Google fibroids
bev66 wendy_4261
I'm annoyed that the doctor didn't even examine me he just said he will send me for a scan and blood test. now is that because he wasn't concerned or just couldn't be botherd !!!!