scared and anxiety through the roof
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I'm so scared and anxious .I'm 53 and scared I'll die soon It's really eating me up inside I don't want to leave my partner I really wish I'll met him early on so that I would be with him for longer I'm so sad I try and stifle these feelings but their always there and it really hits me in the evenings I wish my mind would stop torturing me Does anyone else feel like this
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fiona27807 jill05006
yes every f....................................cking day i am in pain thinking ................................. its s**t ................... crap............................
crystals51917 jill05006
Yes I have felt this exact way about 3 times for periods of about 2 months at a time since Oct 2018. It's a horrible depressing, doom , hopelessness , twilight place feeling. It does seem to be getting better however when the feeling is present ,I feel the same as you described. All I can do is try to stay positive, take my supplements, PRAY DAILY and I have a very dear friend on this forum who keeps me going. She's amazing and knows her stuff when it comes to this meno bull crap! I pray we all get better. These changes are for real.
fiona27807 jill05006
I am in constant fear of my health... I now do yoga every day... please keep posting we are here for you
Ziggy83 jill05006
I get this too, anxiety and panic over the slightest thing and sometimes over nothing. I cant switch it off or do anything to control it. I feel for you, its rubbish isn't it 😦
hopeforever jill05006
Jill you are not alone. when this all started in Jan i thought this was it for me. day in and day out crazy thoughts going through my head. I thought i was going mad. Thank God it has calmed since through prayer and talking to women going through this. You are not going to die. All this is normal believe it or not. We just got the bad end of the stick. Praying for you Hugs
paulathenewgirl jill05006
Yes, everything you said. I met my husband 10 years ago, been in this weird state of "change" for the past 4 and I just turned 54. The anxiety over the aches and pains is terrifying. I feel like a space ranger allot of the time, one poster called it a "twilight"...yes, thats me, plus the neck and shoulder pain with the occasional skipped heart beats to tell me I ma still here!!. Just want to go cry somewhere. I enjoy walking my dogs and Pilates but all else, no interest. I to hope to get back to normal me someday.
tamsin00119 jill05006
HI Jill
oh yes sometimes twice a day.. and when that happens I get the shakes and my tummy feels I must go now... I hate it... I then start googling and everything comes back to some serious decease that I am gonna die of... This is new to me so I have not yet learnt how to switch it off... I am either you..
are you doing better?