Scared as usual
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I just came off a gusher of a period that I started 4 days early. Now, my heart is doing flip flops every few minutes. It is driving me crazy and scaring me too. I am thinking I may be anemic with the blood loss. I am pale and lacking energy. I know people have posted about heart related issues in perimenopause. I am just wanting to know if flip flopping heart after period is common. Thanks in advance.
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mel65197 rebecca94858
Hey Rebecca - My heart has been doing the flip flops and beat skipping for almost a week now. It's not constant - it comes and goes - but is still super annoying and does not feel good. Maybe try a mediation app like Calm? It seems to help me deal with some of those scarier symptoms like the heart stuff. You might try taking an iron supplement like Blood Builder if your periods are getting heavy. Also make sure you are staying hydrated. Having those super heavy periods can really drain you! My last period was 14 days long (!) which wore me out. Hang in there. xo
rebecca94858 mel65197
Thanks for the reply. I am getting very nervous. I can stand the flip flopping just not as often as I am having it. I am trying to stay calm. It is not easy.
mel65197 rebecca94858
I have to reeeeally work at staying calm. It's not easy at all. I am a kind of anxious person by nature anyway, so when all these scary symptoms happen, it is a struggle to not get too worked up. Sometimes I can keep it in check, but sometimes not! That's why the Calm app and things like that are good for me. Maybe try some chamomile and a bath. Sending you support.
rebecca94858 mel65197
We are very similar, I think. I am also anxious by nature. I can't stand it when my body parts don't work right. I am like a used car that needs to be traded in. Except I don't think I am worth much at this point. The heart thing makes me the most anxious. I have had palpitations since I was 19 and an arrhythmia since my 30s. My cardiologist never gets excited about it and it is usually under control. I really do think it's anemia but I can't swallow pills very well. So I have to decide what is worse. swallowing pills or heart issues. Hmmmm.
kelly55079 rebecca94858
Yes.. I usually have those heart palps around my period.. Yes scary BUT I have read may posts that other women have them so I'm much more relaxed now.. I also have heavy periods which I have always taken iron pills a couple times a week just to make sure I'm not anemic. But a nutritionist told me it OK to take iron morning and night on my heavy flow days which makes sense so I do this currently. I also eat spinich everyday as well as a few other foods with iron in it.
rebecca94858 kelly55079
Thanks for the response. I am trying not to freak out but it is hard. I am going to attempt to swallow the iron pill tomorrow and see if that helps. I googled iron rich foods. Not sure I'm crazy about any of them but I am getting desperate. 😀
Ella23ps rebecca94858
I bought a Lucky Iron Fish you just boil it in water and drink the water and it taste like water or vitamin shops have chewable iron pills for adults. I truly understand what you are going though and I am sending prayers your way. Been on this site just about everyday for 6 years but I never really post anything I just read and pray.
kelly55079 rebecca94858
Yes sometimes those supplements/pills are just awful to swallow.. Keep researching and I'm sure you will find one that works well for you. I take an 'iron plus' pill--- It's small and easy on my stomach. I order it online on the home shopping site-- Might want to look into it and read some reviews.
rebecca94858 Ella23ps
Thank you! I have been suffering with everything under the sun for about two years now. Just when I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I am hit with another scary symptom. Prayer is the best thing we can do!
rebecca94858 kelly55079
I am going tonight to get the liquid iron you drink through a straw. It tastes horrible but hopefully it will help. I almost went to the emergency room today because my heart was completely out of rhythm for about 5 minutes. I called my heart doctor and he said double up on the beta blocker if that happens. I haven't done that yet. This is scary stuff!
Carolyn09280 rebecca94858
I get a fluttering heart at certain times during my cycle and I heard that it is normal- fluttering heart. I got everything checked out by Dr since I while back I was having chest pain. Everything turned out fine but I still get that pain now and then. Not sure if it is peri related. It feels like a burning pain in upper chest on left side. Not indigestion though as I know what that feels like. I think peri is messing with my heart and many other parts of me!
rebecca94858 Carolyn09280
I agree with you! I never knew I could experience so many scary things in 2 years. Many times I didn't think I would make it till morning, but I am still here. Hope you feel better soon!