Scared...Hysterectomy Booked For Sept, 2018
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Hello Ladies:
I'm not new to these forums by any means but, I know that there's first hand (sympathy/empathy) with one another in here. Seems that a LOT of us suffer from "health phobias" though so, if people understand that, it helps quite a bit.
Ok, I'm 62 and tried every procedure, test and med going that is appropriate for my circumstances. Finally, after bleeding daily now for months (sometimes heavy, sometimes light spotting or dark brown and cramping), having Simple Hyperplasia (NO Atypia), the 3rd gynaecologist and I have decided that I've tried it all and it's time for a Hysterectomy. I'm booked to have it done Sept. 13th, 2018. I'm SCARED!
This doc (because I'm prolapsed and she's been in there with a hysteroscope, doing a D&C as well as putting in a Mirena IUD...which I had to have removed 3.5 months later due to migraines and constant spotting and cramping) says that she can do this "Vaginally". She said that she *may* have to resort to "Lap Assisted Vaginally" but, will try to do it all vaginally.
I have "White Coat Phobia" and "Hospital Phobia" now with great bad that I've put myself into possible Diabetes status (will see my family doc on Tues 24th of July).
Has anyone had or know of someone who's had a hysterectomy and how it went? I'm absolutely TERRIFIED but, I can't live like this any longer.
HUGS to all of us who are struggling through with all of this stuff. My uterus is a bully! LOL.
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andrea05399 louellen39047
Psyched_Out_Kim louellen39047
Hi Louellen,
I'm 47, but had a partial hysterectomy around 8 or 9 years ago. After a D&C, I was on Lupron for 3 months. Once the Lupron was finished, all of the problems started up again. My doctor brought up ablation, but by then I had had enough with the problems, and asked her for the hysterectomy. I opted for the bikini cut, and all went well.
This all may seem scary now, but think about the "after". No more cramps, pain, bleeding, or buying products. The surgery is so very worth it.
My mom was in her early 60's, and was prolapsed. She ended up with emergency surgery, but they just tied everything back up. For years she asked for a hysterectomy, but was dismissed, even in that emergency situation. Personally, I thought it was an issue of doctor greed. It sounds like you have a good doctor that doesn't want to prolong your suffering, which is amazing.
I know it's easier said than done, but try to relax. Your doctor has your best interest at heart. Once everything is done, you'll wonder why you didn't have it done much sooner. 😀
katyD211 louellen39047
Ok now, young're the one who talked ME off the ledge just 2 days ago regarding the hysteroscopy I have to undergo tomorrow morning.
So now I am telling You....that I know at least 5 women..3 sisters and 2 friend/sisters who've undergone hysterectomies. They are all doing so much better than before. I suppose it depends upon your condition for the hysterectomy and your desire to keep your uterus, as to the decision made for the surgery. But since I'm sure you are having this done after much consideration and many conversations, after many tests and procedures.
You doctor knows updated procedures that result in a quicker return to normal activities, less medication and no problems in healing. 2 of my sisters had total hyterectomies so they they were immediately thrown into menopause- hot flashes were and are still there only complaint. They say they felt such relief to not have to deal with flooding and such anymore. The other 3 ladies didn't miss a beat after healing and are doing well. They were all a little scared going in because..well, heck..its surgery! But they experienced no problems during surgery or recovery...other than the expected soreness.
oh, except for the one friend who had hers removed vaginally last year.(I did NOT know that could be done!!) She was running a mile again 3 weeks later and hasn't looked back.
Because I've already prayed about yours and my own procedures, and with my and the other ladies' encouraging words, I know you will do fine. Big hugs!!!
Hi Ladies (Especially KatyD who gets me) LOL.
I've been having internet problems the past couple of days so, I'm in a wifi spot with my laptop and just reading your responses. Thank you!
KatyD...I HOPE that you're doing well?! (Sorry that I haven't been around to respond sooner...HUGS XO)
andrea05399...thank you so very much for your about your mom and her hysterectomy. That gives me hope and a bit more courage (though I'm still scared silly LOL). Of course, I guess it's normal to be scared when facing surgery like this but, I'm phobic now over everything. LOL.
Psyched Out Kim...I was also offered Lupron as well and turned it down because I knew of others who went through "menopausal hell" only to have all of their issues return once off of it. It was a spur of the moment, doc thought anyway and not something I wanted to try after so many other things. I DO look forward to being done, healed and NO more pads, bleeding, cramping and worrying into a tizzy! LOL.
Thank you to all 3 of you for your help! I'm trying hard to get things done as told to do. I did my "pre-op" with my family doc/GP/PCP...whatever one may call your primary care physician, yesterday. Today was faxing other portions to the Ob/gyn's office to get a hospital "pre-op date". Ugghhhh...this is wearing me down quickly but, I HOPE it will forever solve the issue and my life can go on normally. Fingers crossed for that and a GREAT recovery and onwards in Life again. This stuff has been holding me hostage for far too long now.