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Hello ladies. This is my third week in perimenopause and something very scary just happened. I took a bite into my apple and swallowed. Then a piece of apple got stuck I COULDN'T BREATH. I tried everything in my power to get it back up because i thought i was going to die. Then my anxiety kicked in and i was telling myself to keep calm. My throat felt like it was closing or getting smaller. For the past week i have been having throat problems. Has this happened to anyone? I am now scared to eat. I do not want to feel that again. Its scary because i live alone. Does your throat become smaller in peri and meno ? Someone please help !
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Guest sally15609
I have had that happen occasionally with softer foods like a tuna fish sandwich or peanut butter sandwich. It is very scary and it literally is stuck and takes a minute for my throat to push it through.
Funny - I have also found within the last year or so that it seems like my food goes down the wrong "pipe" more often these days. Have no idea if its related to meno or not.
sally15609 Guest
Thank you Kim for replying. I am sitting here crying before i head into work for an evening shift. this peri is hell that's all i can say about it. Nothing good but hell.
Lisaippie sally15609
hi SALLY , im no dr but inunderstand totally what you are feeling , i truly dont think your throat gets smaller its more than likely the anxiety and panic from having that happen our minds our powerful things and i have had panic disorder and anxiety disoreder my entire life and i went through aortnof the same thing back when i was 10 or 11 , sane type thing i panicked and couldnt eat or swallow barely anything for about 2 years my mother took me to every specialist for scans and x rays u name it nothig was found i was sent to a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with anxiety and panic disorder i have been on medication for it ever since and now that im in menapause its way worse all i know is anxiety makes me feel and imagine the worst , what was so weird was the dr told me back then how powerful the mind can be on our bodies to actually expreience real things so i went 2 years and had lost down to 63 lbs by the time i was 14 years old once i started the meds i began to eat with no further problems all of my anxiety with this menapause mess has kicked into overdrive had caused me to imagine and feel the worst of everything , menapause has been by far worse than all the things i had back when i was young , hang in there it will pass try some relaxation music or some hobbies anything to try to get your mind off of it it takes a lot of work but this will pass prayers going your way hun ❤hugs
sally15609 Lisaippie
Hello Lisa. So sad to hear about your suffering. I can't imagine dealing with such a thing from such a young age. I am 46 and the first time i every experienced anxiety was 3 weeks ago. It is such a horrible feeling. I have been drinking liquids all day and i do not no what to do. I am scared to eat something solid. Is this my mind doing all of this. I feel like i am going crazy.
Lisaippie sally15609
hello dear, again , I'm no Dr but i would say it is anxiety menapause and perimenapause can cause such horrible anxiety i am almost 50 and my spiral again started at about age 45
i feel like i am going crazy a lot of the time but i can asure you you are not going crazy try and relax if u can by doing something to take your mind of the event and the feelings i know its so hard to do believe me i struggle with it everyday but try to eat something if you can you will prob feel better and ease your mind i have had to work extremely hard to practice training my brain to bot think the worst its so so hard hugs❤
jill05006 sally15609
hi yes I too have been having problems eating and throat problems sometimes when I eat it feels like my food have been going down the wrong way and then I cough It's only happened since I've been in prI menopause. and of get the sensation of my throat closing up its weird this primenopause
sally15609 jill05006
It is a awful feeling. I pray i do not experience it again plus every woman on this forum.
pinkcatfairy sally15609
Dear Sally
I am four years post meno and something similar happened to me some time ago after i had eaten, it was a wierd sensation, like the food somehow got so far down the wind pipe and got stuck, i remembering i kept coughing trying to clear it, it really was an unpleasant sensation. Unfortunately the odd symptom still keeps popping up like dry mouth and tongue!
cindy17746 sally15609
Hi Sally,
I totally get where you're coming from. I have had this sensation many times. Like my throat is closing. Even when I'm drinking a smoothie! It's extremely upsetting and alarming. I just have to remind myself that I can breathe and swallow, and that it will be ok. I hope you're doing ok now!!