Seeing a neuro and I'm terrified. ......

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I have been experiencing tingling ,numbness in hands and feet. Internal vibrating in my buttocks and legs and feet . Shoulders been hurting. Had a twitch in my left eye and my left pointer finger had had pain for 3 months now. I went to my Gp, he just said I'm stressed.

I've seen a neurologist and age had given me a test where they put electrodes on my head and monto red for 3 days. (Normal) then I had a emg / nvc nerve test on lower body (normal) I had a mri of brain 6 months prior (normal).....

I'm really starting to get nervous

This is ALS or MS or PD !!!!

Don't know what to do. .

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Same things happen to me.  I'm glad you wrote of this.  I have tingling in my right leg all the time.  I am also experiencing it in the tip of my nose.  I'll get that vibrating feeling when I sit down to watch TV.  I don't understand it.  If I mention it to doctors they are just as bewildered as I am.  My husband says it's poor circulation.  I guess that could be it.  When I go outside in the cold for very long my hands turn white and then if I'm out any longer, blue.  I know that's a circulation problem.  I guess I should just chalk it all up to old age, don't want to spend money seeing doctors about it.  Hope ypu can find an answer for it all.  Lori


  • Posted

    I get every month the numbness and pin prickly feelings bad.. I get numb one side of face and ear and back of head, I get numb across back of head and numb across my upper back, I get weak numb top of front legs and also get numb stiff back of calves , and prickly pins and needles front up and down shins, scary and unpleasant,, feels like my fingers feel weak and don't want to move correctly, as if everything stiffens up with this, I'm very scared when these symptoms happen , but they come every month , and disappear after about 5 days or so, and return the next month, they just keep coming and going, and its sets my health anxiety sky high! I'm not sure what it is but do know from reading that hormones can cause just about any of these crazy symptoms as hormones run your entire body,, its like your car NO gas in it , then it isn't going to run.. So not sure what this all is but it definitely comes and goes and comes back for me every single month..

  • Posted

    I too have the tingling /vibrations all through my body and I do get the left eye twitching but not all the time. I often feel I could pass out. Iv had every test available and come back clear but today iv been for more blood tests and a chest scan so I await those results.  I’m so fed up with feeling I’ll its been five years now. Do hope we all feel better soon 
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      All my blood work came back ok..

      I'm 57 so I don't know. I'm getting fustrated. Praying is not MS or Parkinsons disease..trying to stay calm.

      These symptoms I have are not going away. .been almost 4 months

  • Posted

    First of all try and stay calm. And stop googling!! Are you post meno?

    I've had all these symptoms plus more, all my tests were normal as well. Except I did test positive for reactivated EBV and I'm perimeno. You might want to look in to having bloodwork to check this. All of my symptoms hit at once and they coincided with my cycles starting to get funky. I seriously thought I had some dreadful disease and I was going to die. I'm still here two years later, still getting crazy symptoms. Got a new one yesterday, buzzing in my ears on top of everything else. If I bump my left arm I get giant purplish looking bruises. My foot is burning and tingling right now and giving me a headache. My teeth are aching. I'm getting some adrenaline type rushes. And my shoulder is aching. Oh and both my big toes have the worse case of fungus ever. OK, I'm done complaining, but as you can see, the symptoms can be endless where hormones are concerned. It's really awful. I doubt I'll ever be normal again. 

    So, my advice, again, stay calm. Anxiety will just cause even more dreadful symptoms. 


  • Posted

    Dear Russell

    I had eye twitching, numbness in toes and read women have had vibrations in body in peri/meno, so sounds like that to me, no harm in getting tests done fo rpeace of mind though x

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      I see you have had a mri and it was normal thats the sort of test I meant, mri's are pretty good and im sure would have detected if there was anything wrong

  • Posted

    My dad has Parkinson’s and he hasn’t had any of your symptoms, I think it’s highly unlikely it’s Parkinson’s and if you have had a brain scan I would have thought it would show some legions if you have MS try not to worry, I have vibrations and twitches all the time eyes, fingers, feet, pins and needles I’ve had so many tests but all negative, I know my health anxiety makes it worse xx
    • Posted

      Carolina , ty fir your response.

      I pray to God you are right.also get like my knee or foot will jerk on its own .not all the time but.....

      I hope n pray this is all stress cause God knows I'm stressed out

  • Posted

    Yes to all of these symptoms i to have been to doc and er all teat were negative its this crazy thing we call menopause hang in there kiddo there is a light at the end of the tunnel
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    Had most of these, the twitch in my eye lasted a week and was so irritating, went away in its own. Had pain in my right shoulder and neck for 2 months, went away in its own. I doubt you have any diseases. I think for me, it’s hormone fluctuations. These symptoms are enough to make us panic but after 4 years of multiple symptoms and nothing wrong found in any tests, it doesn’t even stress me out anymore. 

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