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Morning all, well iv'e been off the dreaded sertraline for 2 weeks now, great being without the horrible side effets, but I'm stating to feel down again, I did'nt even think the pills were working after being on gthem 18 months, but I guess they must have been, so now now what to do, I don't want to feel like there's nothing worth getting out of bed for, like I did 2day, but I don't want all the meds in my system either, had to get this out here.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Have u tried any other meds ?
    • Posted

      Hi Din,

      yesn at first I was on mirtazapine,  andnit did no good, so I'm just fed up with all the chemicals in my body, my gp said I could just stop taking them, I prefer my valium they always work for me, but drs seem to not want to give them to people anymore, I know they are addictive , but I'm 64 and have taken them on and off since I was 17, so I think I know more about them than the drs. do

  • Posted

    Hi I had the same feelings when I came off them I have been off them for 2 months I still feel low sometimes I just tell myself I'm better off without them and try doing the things I enjoy to take my mind off it take care hope you feel better soon
    • Posted

      Hi Joanne, 

      thanks for  that, I'm going todo just that, I'm going to do smoe retail theropy x

  • Posted

    did you wean yourself off them, just keep feeling more and m ore positive and walk, walk walk, stop and speak to whoever is standing near you, if someone has a dog pass a nice remark to the owner, anything to keep your mind of yourself


    • Posted

      Hi Emelda,

      yesI did wean off, I was on 150mg a day for 18 months, my gp said cut it to 50mg a day and then every other day untill my pills were gone, thanks for the tip, I will talk to people,smile

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