Sertraline getting worse?
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So I am currently on day 5 of 25mg of Sertraline and I am struggling. Not entirely convinced these are for me.
I haven't slept properly all week, when I do, it's very light and not refreshing. My sleep pattern is messed up as well, it's 5am and I am wide awake now.
I am exhausted, everything is an effort and I have a lot of just fog and heavy head feeling / dizziness. Could be the lack of sleep.
Also really sick all day.
Haven't really noticed much of a positive change yet, I know it's still early though but if anything I am starting to feel more depressed and generally hopeless.
Due back at work in two days and I am honestly just struggling round the house. How can I get through a shift on these things
Should I stick it out a few more days or not?.
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jay98357 thomas96833
Ho TThomas.
Please sick with them it's early days. I was a total mess for about 20 years with anxiety and didn't take anything. I got to the point I needed something to help me. Like you I started on 25 and eventually got to 75. My life has totally changed.
Yes it will get worse for a few weeks but I promise it gets better.
Speak to you doc about your sleep as they may give you a little help. I was the same and still don't sleep great unless I the a sleeping pill but my days are good now.
julie89512 thomas96833
I was the same, had a lot of side effects for a few weeks.
so pleased I stuck with them tho. I'm 100% better than I was.
There is light at the end of the tunnel and each day you will get nearer the light.
good look
julie7525 thomas96833
thomas96833 julie7525
Thanks guys. Going to have to stick it out.
How did you cope with the increased anxiety?
It's a bizarre sensation. My whole body is just trembling and it feels like I need to run a marathon, yet I am exhausted. Just want to sleep but can't.
Does the headache improve as well?
lorraine82455 thomas96833
Ask your Dr for a bit of Valium for the first month. Take it at night, when you don't sleep everything looks worse! Good luck
Richard0026 lorraine82455
julie1111 Richard0026
Richard0026 julie1111
In that case I will see how I am in the morning and then call the surgery to see if they can give me anything to help.
Just know that hopefully it is going to be worth it in the end!
julie1111 Richard0026
It will i went through 4 weeks of increased anxiety, ect awfull it gets better I'm nearly 5 wks in and side effects disappeared. Hang in there
julie7525 thomas96833
Hi Thomas, well it was hell for the first 3-4 weeks, i was just laid on sofa feeling like i was losing it!like you, i couldnt sleep. I used to have horrible chest discomfort from anxiety and sertraline. I didnt think id ever feel well again. I remember feeling a bit better on 75 but still not right, upped to 100 for a few weeks and was 70% there but triggers would still set my anxiety off, then finally on 150 it improved considerably, apart from this blip after a couple of drinks monday for which ive still felt rougg today, took a diazepam for first time in weeks. Has your doc given you anything for the initial side effects? Diazepam is very calming, it just made me feel relaxed, not spaced out. On 150 i started getting tiny vibrations from shoulder to shoulder, very weird! And dizziness/unsteady on feet. Probably took 4 mths to feel relatively ok. A friend of mine takes 100 and has no side effects, how lucky! Eyes are closing so i'll say goodnight.
julie1111 thomas96833
Hi Thomas, stick with it ask your Dr to give you something to help . I started 50 mg sertaline 34 days ago, on the 28th day side effects eased off. I had increased anxiety sickness and generally unwell, it's worth it I feel much calmer and sleeping improved. I couldn't sleep at 1st it's one of the early side effects. It will settle in time
Richard0026 thomas96833
I have been on Setraline for three days (Just taken my third tablet) this forum has shown me that there is light in the end.... The last couple of days have been a nightmare - just feel so sick and dizzy can't even get off the sofa!! So glad things will get better
thomas96833 Richard0026
Are you feeling any better today?
My biggest worry is that the way I am feeling now, I am due back in work tomorrow and it will be impossible to get through a shift. I struggled just moving round the house yesterday though sickness and dizziness. I really don't think I can stick it out a few weeks to see.
My biggest concern is that I have a mortgage to pay and I know these will help in the long term, I just really can't afford time off and risk my job / house. I am already on warnings due to odd days off when anxiety is bad.
No winning at all is there sadly.
ZEN. thomas96833
I am on day 25 of Sertraline 50mg with doseage review tomorrow.
So far it has been a tough month, sleep pattern all over the place, feel tired a lot, dropped 3kg possibly due to constant upset stomach caused by Sertraline and lack of appetite.
Had headaches, felt weepy, down and Anxiety way worse.
I am going to battle through and see is higher dose is better but would suggest you will need at least a couple of weeks off initially until it gets into your system and you start getting used to it.
If you are not allowed any time off get your doctor to sign you off for your own safety and those around you.
Good Luck..
thomas96833 ZEN.
Thanks mate. Glad I am not alone. I really do hope things pick up for you
I know what you mean about the headaches and tiredness though. Have you felt any benefit so far?
I have had my review today and the doctors have taken me off it sadly.
It was helping ish, but my weight is a concern. I have dropped about 6kg (4kg before starting through anxiety/stress) so as I am underweight, she wasn't happy for me to maybe have another 3/4 weeks of being sick / losing more weight. I am 5ft 11 and weight 60kg. This time last year I was 72!
On a detox now and taking nothing for awhile. Been sent for some thyroid checks incase but trying to work on weight gain and maybe gaining some strength again