Serum Estradiol levels with estrogen implants/injections
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Hi I've been postmenopausal due to premature ovarian failure related to having a partial hysterectomy for nearly 20 years. My symptoms were managed for 7 years using estradiol pills. I was then switched to a patch which worked well for me for nearly 12 years...although I had to use a patch and a half of the highest dose patch. I'm from the US, but my patch was the Vivelle Dot which is the same are the Estradot 100 in the UK. I can't say that I have ever felt completely normal after having my surgery and immediately experiencing ovarian failure when I was 35. I am now 54 and have been trying to find the right implant dose that works best for me. Here in the states, most implant/pellet docs insert very low estrogen doses and huge testosterone doses. That regiman really messed me up and it has taken my testosterone a year to decrease to a level where I feel well. I had to change doctors in order for that to happen. My new provider started me off by giving me 100 mg. E implant and 100 mg. T implant. I don't think he clearly understood that my testosterone was over the top. He lowered my testosterone implant to 50 mg. and left me estrogen implaint dose at 100 mg. during my last visit, gave me a 5 mg. depo estrogen shot to boost my level and keep me comfortable until the estrogen implant kicked in. As soon as the injection wore off, all of my symptoms returned. I have always had severely debilitating symptoms from low estrogen. My implant doctor does not dose based on lab work but by symptoms only. I recently visited my GP for my annual exam and he ran some routine blood work as well as a hormone level check. My estradiol level was 985.3 and my testosterone was 122 which is great. However, he flipped out over my high estradiol level. I had given myself and injection a couplf o days before and wonder how much it affected my estradiol reading. Now, my implant doctor who originally said that labs were "only numbers" wants to lower my estrogen implant dose and take the estradiol shots away. I feel the best I have felt in 20 years and am not having any side effects at all. Have any of you ever needed your estradiol/estrogen/oestrogen (all the same) levels as high as I seem to need mine in order to feel well?
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kim27003 barter1960
Headaches, dizziness, brain fogginess, feeling out of sorts, body aches (really bad at times), joint pain, feeling very sad, and tearful, angry, etc.
Thank you for sharing!
barter1960 kim27003
Retired2011 kim27003
I just replied to barter and I had the same issues you had( I am 58) went on estrogen at 51 for debilitating migraines (only sympton)which was like a wonder drug. I took topical Divigel 1 mg and then switched to bi est when I was 55. Tapered off 6 months ago, since I thought my the estrogen was affecting my gallbladder and had pain on my RUQ bac and stomach. I was fine for two months after
going off and then all these symptons you name, plus more started happening. The hot flashes, night sweats, joint pain, vaginal dryness (horrible, which I still have) burning tongue and a metallic taste in my mouth. Ringing in my ears and the best one was c onstipation!! I said, I do not care if my gallbladder is sluggish, I am going back on estrogen for my quality of life. I need to get all my levels checked out in the next month and I am still having issues by a Dx who is knowledagle about the whole emdrocone system. What a journey we have all had and hopefully we can get balanced.
kim27003 Retired2011
I too, am from the US. I also suffer with the hot flashes, anxiety, depression, ringing in my ears, etc. It is so consuming! I have always been a very independent strong person, and now I feel incapable of making the smallest decisions. On the rare day that I actually feel good. I find myself spoiling it by the thoughts of the antcipated bad feelings to come. At times I feel like my anxiety is totally out of control. I really do not talk about it much to anyone in my family. I have always been the "go to" person in our family.
This forum has been so wonderful in helping me to understand what is going on with me. Just knowing I am not alone in this helps so much. I refuse to take any AD. I want to try and work through this. I have realized, however, I cannot come off the HRT. Not yet, anyways. Symptoms are bad on it, but horrible without it. Especially the body aches, and hot flashes!!!
jayneejay kim27003
i have just been reading your posts and soooo sorry your suffering..
the symptoms you explain are like mine .. peri meno but No HRT taken..
but I calm and control mine with naturals and have done for 10 years..
but I am near the end of peri now.. ( 11 and a half months no period) and aged 50..
HRT has it uses and helps many, but its the coming off that makes all the peri symptoms come back.. peri your body wants to reduce all these hormones and HRT puts them all back in again, and then the day you have to finish taking it or reducing it.. your peri will begin again..
and when you have to have HRT when your younger and had a hysterectomy oh I just feel for you ...
its a vicious circle and I feel for you all, and hope you can all feel better very soon and get the HRT levels that make you all feel better Jay xx
Retired2011 kim27003
I am so sorry you are suffering, even with HRT! How about a second opinion, since your symptons seem like low estrogen. You did not state if your Hysto was total or partial. I had a partial (ovaries intact) at 49 and was Ok until 51 when I started getting migraines everyday. I find at 58 and not being on estrogen for six months has really messed me up. I do not think I will ever come off once hopefully I can feel good. I know you said you tried many types of ERT. Have you ever tried compounded where they can make up any dose and delivery system---gels, sprays, torches, etc. I know for me I have to take mone 2x a day and sometimes more in very small amounts since I metabolize it faster, especially if i exercise or sweat. If you had a total Hysto, you may need more help. The women's international compounding has pharmiscits whow ill ill answer any questions and people around the world use them. They know ten times more than the Dx and have Dx referrals. Have you tried the hyster sister site?. They have great info and very knowledagle woman who are going through the same thing. I do not blame you for not wanting to go on an AD. I found when I was off estrogen for 6 months I had terrible anxiety, mood swings and depression. I tried Xanax .25 and that helped and I dound it a better alternative than AD's.
Retired2011 jayneejay
thanks for your support! It was funny, when I had my Hysto I was fine at 49, when I was in peri in my 40's. Than at 51 wham, the migraines, which I never had in my life started and was debilitating----- migraines every single day. I wanted to blow my brains out and had a hard time working.
Nothing worked, diet, supplementsm acupuncture, etc. Luckily, a smart neurologist in NYC suggested estrogen and I thought it was a miracle. I do not think I really entered full menopause until about 55 (do not know since with the hysterectomy I did not have a period). I tried to come off several times around 56 and you are right when your body is used to estrogen it is not easy to taper off. However, I have friends who just went off like it was nothing and were fine--not many, but a few did. I am so glad that you are able to manage your symptons using natural means. I tried in December for six months by using natural phytoestrogens (black cohosh, soy), supplements, acupuncture and I am also on a plant based diet, but nothing worked. Getting older is not for sissies!
jayneejay Retired2011
ref.. migraines.. i have never had them ever, until last year..
this was when I had my last two periods... just before ( i only had two periods last year) blimey the migraines, banging
for four days and nights, solid, nothing helped.. but ... havent had a period since and no migraines..
had no periods since and in a couple of weeks will be a year..
its been a long journey, but I have experienced it all along the way.. and glad its almost over, feel i have my life back again, yippeeee.
the B6 helped me so so much, and weird as 10 years ago when doc first said i was in early peri, he gave me a prescription for B6 but forgot to tell me how much they would help, so i never bothered with them then... we live and learn ... the hard way... blimey its changed my life.. something so simple ..
i will still have to take all the Vits ans naturals even when i reach the full meno, but I can do that no problems...
breaks my heart when i read some of these posts as I know how hard it is and how it effects everything ...... just want you to all feel good and enjoy life.. going back to B6.. its also good for HRT absortion too... Jay xx
Retired2011 jayneejay
I am sure you will be fine since you made it this far and B6 is a great help for symptons I agree, enjoying life is so important, so hopefully all of us gals will find balance.
Sandy07 barter1960
i was interested to hear about your symptoms. I have been suffering with a TMJ issue which causes me dizziness, headaches, neck problems, facial pain etc.I a m currently waiting yo see a maxillofascial facial consultant. However, the more I read, the more I am convinced that this is linked to fluctuating hormones. Please could I ask you a bit more about the nature of you TMJ issue and if it resolved with the Hormone therapy. It would really help me to have some more info before I go for my appt. this TMJ us driving me crazy and I can't seem to do anything about it, it seems totally out of my control. Thanks. Xxxxx
barter1960 Sandy07
Sandy07 barter1960
sheryl37154 Sandy07
Sandy07 sheryl37154
barter1960 Sandy07
Retired2011 Sandy07
when I went off estrogen, I started clenching my right jaw which was sore along wit my ear on that side. Never happenned to me before. When I went back on estrogen the symptons went away, along with a host of others. I also have a friend who is in peri and right before her period she has TMJ. No one could figure it out and she wore a night guard and did not help. She just recently went on HRT and also Throyid meds and the symptons went away. I think fluctating hormones or lack thereof can wreak havoc with the female body. It is all one big endocrine system. Good luck!
Sandy07 barter1960
Sandy07 Retired2011
Retired2011 Sandy07
As a n FYI, Xanax or antivert helped with vertigo until I got things under control. It is also a journey as you can see from some of the posts, so do not give up!!
Sandy07 Retired2011
barter1960 Sandy07
Sandy07 barter1960
barter1960 Sandy07
Sandy07 barter1960
Sandy07 barter1960
barter1960 Sandy07
gailannie barter1960
What made me mad however, is that I too had the exact same muscle pain you have exxperienced. It is completely dibilitating. It started in my lower back right around my last period. I then got frozen shouder, and wrists that hurt day and night. Then my muscles in my legs started cramping and would spasm and shake. I DID YEARS OF CHRONIC CONSTANT PAIN. It was so bad it would wake me from sleep.
Hot Fashes and night sweats?? NEVER.
I saw a dozen total doctors. Internists, rhumatologist, several GPs, a menopause clinic, two doctors who specialize in hormone replacement, chiropractor, and an endocrinologist. I tried many and any alternative therapy available including physical therapy. I used herbs, homeopathics, vitamins, did 6 months gluten, caffeine, sugar and dairy free. Nothing worked. While I am normally a happy and upbeat person, this kicked my butt to the point where I honestly thought I couldn't go on. I actually had a doctor tell me that I needed aerobics. I sat and cried.
It wasn't until I was given vaginal Estrace for atrophy and dryness.........
and low and behold, with regular use ALL THE MUSCLE PAIN WENT AWAY!!!
Are you kidding me?? After all the money and appointments and years of pain, estrogen solved my problem?
I am angry. I am embarrassed by a medical community who thinks they walk on water, who don't have enough brains to ask a woman when she had her last period or if she has had her hormone levels tested. Some one mentioned that if a man came in with symptoms, they'd never say he was just stressed or depressed. They'd test his testosterone and immediately replace it. And they sure as hell wouldn't tell him he needed aerobics.
What the hell is wrong with our medical community? Where did we get to the point where all a woman symptoms are in her head? Why do we have to suffer with so many symptoms, everything from muscle pain to TMJ and be told we have Fibromyalsia?
I personally believe that once I get my etrogen up to normal levels (I am now doing a very low dose patch and increasing slowly) I will write a letter to every single doctor who wasted my time and collected my money. These people should be completely embarrassed by their imcompassionate, uneducated, "practice of medicine."
They're not practicing much, except how to charge the most.
Keep sharing ladies, cause this is the only way we will ever get the help we need.