Sever PMS after giving birth :(
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Hello everyone
I know it's not the right group , but I didn't know where to put my discuation
However, I need help and reassures from all women here
aftar a month from giving a birth , my period come back, and when it's home or befor 2 days from it
I had a strange feeling ( I feel very very anxious , irritable , can't sleep at all whatever if I take a sleep aid ) I feel scare and can't control my thought
that's make me scare and next day I bacon tired and can't function at all
I m alone in the UK with my husband and little girl
so I don't have anyone around to help me with those days
at the same time I'm on antidpresassion now
it halp with other things but still I had a bad PMS
it's just 7 week from starting medication
and before my pregnancy I was on medication
but I finsh my course before one month from getting prgnent and I was tottaly fine
but after giving birth my PMS becom really sever
any one had the same prablom before ? is it will counting like this all my life
is it normal to become sever after giving birth ?
is there is something can help
is my depression make it worst ?
is my medication can help ?
or do I need medication all my life ?
sorry I'm so worry please help
Note; yestrday I have the same feeling which I had four month now but it little sever this time but still screay
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unico31026 roby_54688
roby_54688 unico31026
olimari2013 roby_54688
roby_54688 olimari2013
;") I will talk to my doctore soon
gentleballads roby_54688
congratulations for your baby
these feelings will pass , definitely they dont last forever
but you must be careful now
i think breast feeding keeps the periods from coming back too early, it checks the bleeding
have someone to help out with the baby, someone part- time who will check in on you as well.... tell hubby to help out night and during day also if possible
give yourself sometime to be away from the baby, relax, eat well and healthy and get your sleep
take smaller doses of anti- depressants first and then go on to hinget if necessary
maintain a diary, write on here how you progress
lots of love
roby_54688 gentleballads
I'm not sure if I can have someone help with my baby
but my husband is now trying to help
I hope my PMS coming back to normal soon
thank u for advise I'm writing a diary to watch my progress I hope it will get batter soon