Severe Anxiety

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Please tell me I’m ‘normal’... 

My health anxiety has reached fever pitch over the last year, especially the week leading up to menstration.  I become severely depressed and fixated on an illness... this month my left breast I’ve noticed has more creases and  almost an indentation on but not my right breast , I’m also convinced it saggier and larger... my GP thinks it’s because I sleep on that side and after a breast examination says that it feels completely normal... after crying in his office he suggested I go for an ultrasound  scan and mammogram ... that however has sent me in to orbit as I’m convinced they will find something.

It’s incredibly draining to feel this way and to top it all I can no longer sleep at night, and when I do I wake up soaked with perspiration... 

I feel like I’m losing my mind.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Alice,

    Firstly you are completely normal ! Anxiety in overdrive is such a common symptom during perimenopause !! It’s naturalnto be worried about something like that, but stupid all over the pace hormones magnify everything ! Could you go back to doctors and explain how you’re feeling and ask for something to calm you down ? I know it’s not for everyone but I have a very small prescription for dizaepam . . . They completely relax you in times of high stress and anxiety plus they will help you  sleep xx

    • Posted

      My gp did give me some diazepam and urged me to take it, tonight tI think I will, as this anxiety with no sleep it just awful. thank you for responding. xx
    • Posted

      Hi Alice,

      Thats good 😊 are the 2mg tablets ? Maybe break it in half and see how you feel, that's what I did the first time I took it . . . They are very good at relaxing you and work in about 30 minutes xx 

    • Posted


      Well I took one last night and had the best sleep iv’e had in years, woke up actually feeling semi normal!  GP gave  me 5mg and told me to take one tablet the first night then half a tablet every second night if I need them.

      You know I still thought about my ‘breast problem’ throughout the day but it didn’t totally consume me... so it’s a start.. xx

  • Posted

    Hi Alice, get the u/s and mammo. It’s for your peace of mind, there won’t be anything wrong. XO
  • Posted

    I know exactly how you feel. I also have health anxiety. Ever time a new symptom etc. I suffer terribly and my symptoms are usually real and require screening and I go insane! Firstly, if you wonder if you are normal, that's a sign that you are. The insane don't know they are insane. Second, at your she you should have both mammo and U/S once a year maximum every two years. No matter how hard just do it. Your Dr is sending you to calm you down. Next, realize you need help. If you can avoid the medication help then that is great, but you still need help. Usually a few sessions with a good psychologist for CBT and mindfulness helps a lot. I did it and still do it myself. Healthy diet and lifestyle. The anxiety may still be there, but your handling and relating to it will change and you will be much better. Don't ignore it. Hugs!!

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your response, I started having mammograms when I was 45, so I've had two now and both have been fine, and i was due one next month, its just with the appearance of this crease in my breast that I've went a bit hyper.  My doctor did such a detailed examination on my breast and even explained that the crease was only visible when i tightened my chest or pulled my breast together and that it most definitely wasn't puckered skin...BUT still i'm super anxious.  When i'm rationale (which isn't often these days) I know that the doctor is sending me for an u/s merely due to my anxiety, but still i'm so worry, it clouds my day.

      I constantly hope that one day I will wake up and this will all have gone, is such an awful time in life. 

  • Posted

    Hi Alice. I'm exactly the same health anxiety with breast issue . I don't have a crease but doc felt a thicking ..i had a clear mammagram few months ago. She wants a u/ scan done. My app for the morning. I'm up to high do tonight can't sleep or settle my brain.

    • Posted

      Wishing you perfect results. I had a biopsy done on my left breast. It was clear. Even when a lump is found, over 90% are benign. Let us know. Best wishes and hugs.
    • Posted

      Oh I hope it goes well, it’s so incredibly scary, terrible thought just constantly go around in my head... if your mammogram was clear I’m certain everything will be fine.. xxxx
    • Posted

      Thank you, it’s the waiting that is so  awful, my appt isn’t until next week... it’s only a week I’m waiting but it feels like forever. Xx
    • Posted

      Hi Alice.

      Seen doc and she didn't think was any issues. Sent me for a scan and Incidently scan has shown small round lump. So had it aspiration away for testing . So hopefully get results within 30mins then might have to get a bioapsy .

    • Posted

      I hope everything is ok, I keep telling myself that 90% if munis found are absolutely nothing at all.   Thinking of you. Xx

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