Severe anxiety and panic attacks especially in the am

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I'm 47. Went to Gyno. Drew blood. Gave Rx for estradiol progesterone and fluoxetine. Two days later blood results are postmenopausal yet had a period 2 mo ago. Feel a little better. Severe fear and shakiness in the am. No desire whatsoever to eat at all. Really thinking I am going crazy. Really crazy. How long till I feel normal. 

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    I have blood drawn a year ago. Stated I was post meno as well. I'm not, not even a year later. No telling how long you will feel some improvement, but please look around this site, there are many posts on what things you may want to try in the meantime to feel somewhat better in the meantime.

    Many of us feel like we are going crazy......we're not. Yoga, mindful meditation, relaxation tapes, Vitamin supplements and some minerals as well are helpful. JayNeeJay has many lovely posts on here on how she has navigated through this unpredictable as have many others. 

    Keep in mind Kim, this is temporary.......really it sound like anxiety (very very common complaint) is getting the best of you right now. Please as silly as it sounds and hard to do in the middle of feeling lousy, try not to let it overwhelm you-it disappears faster. 

    Good luck and please look around and check out the site and meet the lovely ladies here. I have improved greatly by checking in and learning new things at least weekly on here.



  • Posted

    KIm how can you be post menapausal and have a period 2 months ago? i thought to be pass this stage you have had to been period free for a whole year.  What ever your not going crazy, You arnt the first to say they feel like this, the fear feeling factor is very common, as i well know myselfe. not sure about the lack off appetite but then we are all different. are you getting any other symptoms like night sweats, daytime hot flashes? When you said daytime shakiness am did you mean like afternoon or did you mean to put arm? shakiness can be to a low blood sugar which may be brought on by not eating enough especially in the mornings which may be affecting you by the afternoons. You say no desire to eat but you are eating arnt you? Maybe you need to try eating little but often to keep your blood sugars normal if you cant face a large meal.


    • Posted

      Hi Susan,

      You are right, you have to go without a period for a whole year before being considered menopausal. The blood work isn't that reliable, that's why many doctors don't run these labs at this point. She's considered Periemenopausal, just like me.

      My former doctor declared me menopausal with bloodwork and only 4 months post periods. I ended up having the periods start again 2 months later, so no question that I found a new doctor at that point. Very confusing time, worse when the physician is clueless! I have learned so much by coming on this site. It's been a Godsend!


  • Posted

    Hi Kim 

    I am 46 and in post menopause myself. Around Christmas I was having a lot of anxieties my worst was when I had a panic attack on Christmas Eve my blood pressure and my heart rate were sky high. 

    I was shaky and fearful cried a lot and screamed and just really moody. 

    It has cut down some but I still have some of the anxiousness there at times and problems with stools and urine due to meds and anxieties. 

    Things will get better just give it time

  • Posted

    Hi Kim

    My heart goes out to you. Reading your post could have been me a couple of months ago. It is REALLY common to get early morning waking and anxiety attacks with peri so please be reassured you are definitely not alone and not losing it! I too had a really tough time over Christmas and there were many times I felt like I couldn't cope any more and wanted to bow out of life. It was really scary. I finally found a physician who was an expert in this field and understood my situation. Just that was enough to help calm the anxieties. As many ladies have said on here you have to find what works for you. I know many demonise HRT but I have been taking it for 4 weeks now in combination with a Mirena coil and anti depressants and I'm starting to get my life back. I still get the early morning anxiety but I know if I get up and moving it will pass. I did an 8 week course in mindfulness meditation which was great and has really helped me to reassess the way I think about things. More than anything it has taught me to be kind to myself and give myself some space. This time of life just really sucks! I've found talking about it to good friends and trying to laugh at ourselves really helps too. I hope things get better for you and you find a path through that is right for you. What I will say is don't let others experiences and prejudices put you off doing what's right for you.

    Take care my lovely.

    Anita x

  • Posted

    Hi Kim

    Ladies are not  post menopause until periods have stopped for 12-14 months.

    ( unless surgically removed ovaries ) then sooner 

    Blood test results..

    There is a big difference in menopausal range ( not reached post meno) 

    and post menopause 

    Good luck 

    jay x


  • Posted

    Hi Kim,

    These can be new and overwhelming symptoms but you are not going mad. I've experienced anxiety in  my life but nothing like the very distinctive panic attacks of peri that just seem to come out of nowhere and surge right through my body. I've been having this for nearly six months, sometimes they stop for a few weeks and then return. Just lately I've been waking every morning again with tingling and fullness in my arms and hands, a trembling inside and a complete dread and panic about facing the day. I just try to get up and do what I normally do but it's HARD.

    It's worse when you first experience it. After several times you start to adapt to it a little and realise that it does wax and wane. These are difficult sensations to deal with but try to ride them out, hold on and keep believing that this is a phase that will pass.


  • Posted

    PS, Anxiety will take away your appetite. Try to eat what you can anyway, even if you don't always feel like it. Your body will thank you in the end. Have you started your meds? Tehy will take several weeks to kick in but will hopefully ease many of your symptoms. Let us know how you get on. 
  • Posted

    I have the horrible morning anxiety as well. There seems to be a pattern of waking terribly anxious, gradually feeling better as the day wears on, until I feel pretty good in the afternoon and evening. Then go to bed, still feeling alright, and waking with the anxiety all over again. I

    I have been this way for quite awhile. I've tried antidepressants, klonopin, and hrt. So far, nothing has broken this cycle.

    I am 52, and have begun skipping periods, so am hoping the end is near.

    I don't have a solution, just wanted to add my experience, and say I believe it is part of the transition unfortunately.

    • Posted

      I can relate to that I have had bad anxieties in the past too. I understand what you are going through 

      i am on antideprssants and attivan to control mine. 

      Things will get better don't worry

    • Posted

      Thank you for the encouragement, Susan.

      I've been on Lexapro for about 5 years now, and have been thinking of trying something different. Do you mind if I ask which antidepressant you have found to work best?

      I believe the Lexapro has pooped out on me!


    • Posted

      I am on Zoloft 25mg I take it in the morning with an ativan it calms me down then I take trazodone for sleep 


    • Posted

      Thanks, Susan.

      I will ask my doctor about Zoloft, and the trazodone sounds like a possiblity too.  I have been using Klonopin for sleep, but it doesn't seem to last through the night.

  • Posted

    I am so thankful to see all of your responses. The craziest thing is I am just like some of you posting. The morning is terrible and by bedtime I am feeling so good. Tonight I am doig somethig different. I am taking hrt tonight and the fluoxetine in the am. Going to see if taking Rxs at different times in the day will allow me to feel better in the am. I am feeling a bit better but not enough. My gyno nurse is wonderful. I call everyday asking about a new symptom. My biggest fear is that it's all in my head. That I am going mad. It feels so nice to read all my new friends posts though. Thanks ladies. It's pretty cool to see yalls verbiage as I am in texas. Very different. Very lovely.
    • Posted

      This is the way I am at times. Do you thing it is your HRT medicatio doing it HRT can cause a lot of side effects and it can cause anxieties in people. 

      I hope things work out for you 

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