Severe health anxiety
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I have been going through Peri symptoms for almost two years now. There are too many symptoms to list but my worst one is anxiety and headaches. I am so paranoid, last week my left eye was watery and itchy due to allergies but I kept thinking of the worse I can't stop worrying about every little thing. My mom has been having stomach ache for a few weeks now, she went to the doctor, they did some x-ray, she has bad constipation which is the cause of her stomach pain but I can't rest my mind, I am thinking of the worst scenario. To add fuel to the fire, her right side mammogram results came back, they want to repeat her mammogram to see things clearly and to make sure all is well. Now my anxiety is sky high, I am so restless, can't focus on work or kids or anything. I find it hard to cope with stress and anxiety. Does anyone else feel this way? I really pray hard to get me through this difficult days but need your support as well. Thank you for listening 😃.
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2chr2015 ampat1
yes! i feel exactly like that. I'm so sorry you are suffering with this. my health anxiety is off the charts...i completely understand what you are talking about. If its not something going on with me then i will worry about someone close like my husband or kids. i find that the more i can stay off fb and tv the better off i am. if i want to watch something light, its better if i dvr it and fast forward through commercials. and i pray every morning and ask God to help me to stay focused on him and only things that are good and positive and every time something negative starts to creep in, i just tell myself STOP! we are not going there today...and pray and give thanks again. It can be draining. I hope this helps. let us know how your moms test comes back and feel free to message me anytime:)
Troldepus71 ampat1
Dear Ampat
I am totally with you... I have severe health anxiety and experience numerous symptoms that feel very real... and very scary...
Right now I feel I have a lump in my throat - it is soooo uncomfortable and I focus on it all the time (which only make it worse, I know).
I also notice every little change in my body. Every new spot, ache, itch. It is exhausting.
I hope you find peace, Ampat - and that your mother gets the all clear!
All the best
laurie19311 ampat1
Yes! My health anxiety is off the charts! I always think I have some disease and that any moment I am going to drop dead. Every ache, twinge, cough, sneeze, pain, etc. has my mind in overdrive. We just moved, and we are now in a two-story (our old house was ranch style), and I have been going up and down those stairs it feels like a thousand times. Well, it's giving my legs a good workout, especially my calves, and I got a charley horse in one and was convinced I had a blood clot. Well then my mind went to "Oh no! I have to go to the hospital, but I can't, because I get panic and anxiety attacks leaving my house and I am going to pass out there!". Yep, it all sound CRAZY, but it is so real when happening! After the fact I laugh at myself, but it is scary when you are going through it! I have a great sense of humor (which has gotten me through a lot during this rollercoaster ride), but my health anxiety definitely gets the best of me! Please know you aren't alone, and to reach out when you need support or reassurance!
debra64760 ampat1
All the time even before perimenopause. I worry cry and have anxiety. Always something going on with this perimenopause ugh!!!!
trabbs29 ampat1
Yes, you are not alone. I have same symptoms plus some others.
It stinks.
Just offering support. Hang in there!