Severe Panic Attacks

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I went to my OB Dr. and told her I thought I was literally going crazy and that I was losing my mind. I have started having these major panic attacks and feelings of disconnectedness from people including those I love. I have these strange thoughts that pop into my head that I would have never had a year ago before perimenopause. My OB Dr. said she hears women say they are going crazy about 4 times a week and it isn't uncommon to feel that way. Can other women please tell me your experiences and what has helped so that I don't think I have completely gone nuts? I have tried clonazepam and other benzodiazapines with little relief. Thank you so much!

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12 Replies

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    I am going through similar even though presumably not young like yourself. I have not driven for 18 months and not been out for 2 months so housebound literally, I panick when I get to roundabouts etc and have to take country roads, have no family and few friends near my home so life is horrible at the moment but hopefully this agorophobia will go away when I see my GP for other health issues on 11 Jan. My trouble all started 3 years ago when someone evil killed my dog and cat with anti-freeze because his dog disliked them, I was shattered but could prove nothing and the Police were not interested so at 74 there is not a lot in life to smile about at this juncture - roll on 2016 and hopefully a much better year. Good luck and God Bless you all.


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    I went through a tough period like this and it frightened me as I thought I was going to stay that way forever. Really hated the the disconnected feeling I had towards people who had been in my life forever. Terrible. But it does pass. I still have issues with anxiety (and did prior to hitting peri) and feeling low occasionally. I have been guided by a fairly good team of docs, tried some supplements, Prometrium to reduce higher than normal levels of estrogen (that was temporary but was causing problems) and also have back up clonozepam for those really tough times. 

    It will ease up. To help yourself, as tough as it may sound.......keep moving and busy. I know it's rough sometimes, but I do worse in idle mode. Force yourself to keep going, honestly that is the best thing even though at times it is rough. Also do either Yoga, deep breathing or mindful meditation. The last one was not beneficial for me but does seem to help others. Also, I found some relaxation mp3s from a fellow over in his voice (it's enough to chill me out a good bit) to listen to when I'm feeling out of sorts.

    Best to you. I am so sorry you are experiencing this right now, but just remind yourself, it does go away.


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      I seemed to only need 100mg at night, 12 days out of the month. I am not on it any longer, but have been warned I may need it again, so far, haven't. Like everything else, what works for one, may not another. I still keep a sedative in my purse, for just in case these days. Not totally done with the anxiety, but that was something I had prior and I think the peri just made it more pronounced for a bit.
  • Posted

    Yes all of the spot on with me.  This happened to me June 2015.  Went from normal to crazy after a big menses.  It is now December 2015 and I'm starting to get some of my old life back.  After many tests and different doctors I'm on Prozac for panic and HRT for sleepiness etc.  I feel better but still have some issues with fatigue and upset stomach.  Hang in there!
  • Posted

    Thank you so so much. I am so thankful for women that respond. I don't feel alone. It has been a terrifying experience. I can never sleep and when I do I wake up feeling like I'm dying from heart racing and sheer panic. The strange thoughts make me feel nuts. I have an ovarian cyst the size of a softball that is being reevaluated soon that is from hormones. I've tried anxiety meds but they didn't help. I am in despair at what my family is going through.
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      You certainly are not alone. I too feel disconnected from some family members. In fact I hardly every talk to them. I recently felt so disconnected from all around me that I felt suicidal! It was awful. I don't want go through it evet again. Will see my gp after new year. But I do not antideprasants or HRT. Need an alternative therapies. Why doesn't NHS provide meditation or relaxation classes for women going through this nightmare!
    • Posted

      I agree. I also feel disconnected from people and have severe nausea at the moment. Cant eat a thing. Ive been in perimenopause eight years im now 48 and it just seems to be getting worse. I feel for both of you I could have written both posts. Christmas has bern such a struggle this year.

      Hang on in there ladies x

    • Posted

      There is nothing wrong with wanting to spend time with yourself and not wanting to be around people.  Color therapy is calming, watching a comedy on TV or movie.  Make a special place in your house a spa.  Talk a very slow walk in a park, sit in a park.  It will get better.
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      *take...I wish they had auto correct...frown


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    I found no meds. really worked to help with my anxiety. I just try to stay focused on positive things, exercise or do things that raje your mind off if the negative. Its really hard, but its mind over matter.keep busy and surround yourself with positive people and things. Helps me anyway.
  • Posted

    Don't worry HopeAgain you are not alone. I have been going crazy for 10 years now. Also developed what I thought was dementia.

    Wandering about in my own little world forgetting not only important dates times and appointments but birthdays as well.

    Angry one minute then sad.

    Forgetting the word I need. I can see a picture in my head of what I want to say but the word for it is just not there. I cooked green things on Christmas day. I said I need to put the the the "green things" on. Peas my daughter said helpfully. No like peas but bigger (sprouts).

    I do this so often just laughing about it helps but it's so annoying. My head is just a big blank space.

    I also call my kids by the wrong names.

    I have also tried benzodiazapines without much success they just make me more stupid.

    I've also had depression. Hope you don't.

    I hope this helps.

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