Severe weakness in heat outside.
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Ladies, one of the symptoms I get for the past 2 years is severe weakness with pressure in the abdomen when trying to walk outside in any heat over 80 degrees. I feel weak and my legs feel swollen suddenly, severe pressure in upper abdomen starts and i have to lay down because something is going on with my head. 2 years ago the symptom progressed to the point of palpitations during a hot shower and weakness but it stayed onlty for about 2 months and went away. But the weakness outside persists till today. Is my brain cutting circulation to my other organs in situations of heat? Zhave anyone of you had anything similar. Because of this I already moved from Florida to PA, because it was hot there all the time. But here in PA as soon as the temp hit 80 degrees I am in trouble again.
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sabrina1971 anetta94863
I have a similar issue including very little tolerance to sunlight. I literally cannot breath in the heat and get panicky, moody, and angry. I can put up with sun in the winter, but all summer I get up before sunrise to go for a walk and hide indoors the rest of the day until it's dark. I live in VT and it's still way too hot for me from May to late Sept. It's miserable being a prisoner while everyone is out having fun.
sabrina1971 anetta94863
I'd say it's been much worse over the last 6 years or so which I suspect is when I entered into the peri stage.
Cass63 anetta94863
I too deal with this weakness in heat. I try to avoid anywhere it may be to warm for me for fear of feeling fainty, like i may pass out. I try to dress as light as I can no matter what the season. I used to love to tan in the summer time, now I am very careful about even getting outside in the summer for fear of getting all crazy due to the heat. I can't handle heat of any kind these days. I guess it's just another symptom of this crazy time of a woman's life.
valarie24431 anetta94863