Sex drive in peri
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ladies, anyone else sex drive went for long drive and did not return. my husband and use to have really good sex all the time. it was the steamy kind you saw in the 9 1/2 weeks. even after our 4th child it was great . then 6 years ago I just hit a wall. my husband does everything to get me feeling sexy but my mind is willing but the body ain't 😣 but lately my mojo is starting flicker, I find myself wanting to get it in with my husband but now I think he feels that it's just for him and I'm not into it.
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nancys21 gilly_64426
Same here. My girlfriend calls it pity sex. SO sad!
lisa95354 nancys21
I think Pity and Grudge are up there on the same plateau… LOL 😉 my friend has never said no to her husband. I’m like girl.... this is is not the 1940s. We cannot help how we feel and we should not feel bad for these feelings, it’s not like we choose them 😦
menval gilly_64426
Low testosterone levels can cause those symptoms. I would suggest go to your doctor to check your hormones level. Also some medications to control anxiety or neuropathy like Gabapentin can affect your libido. It is not your fault to feel that way. Your body is changing and sadly some symptoms can alter your life, including your sex life, for a long period. Hanging there! you are not alone.
kelly55079 gilly_64426
My mojo is gone...Just no desire... Which is ashame because I think it would help my aniexty/mood, etc... But there is hope for you--You are wanting it so this is good. I have read that testorone could help.. Do some research and give it a go!!
shylee gilly_64426
hi gilly,
This is the part i am confused about and I dont feel i can talk to my Dr about. I have always had a high sex drive which became difficult after I divorced my husband and swore never to have another man in my life that was in 2008 i am still single. I waited for my sex drive to snuff out but it never did driving me almost insane. Then i hear women talking about low libido due to peri and meno and i thought great finally and all of a sudden when everything else was going haywire and i was suffering my drive went into hyperdrive.
Its maddening.
lisa95354 gilly_64426
HOTDARN Gilly, wait a minute… I have to pick myself up from falling off my chair… Still hot and heavy after four kids... that should be in the Guinness book of great records. You should be grateful it lasted that long 😉 I could care less at this point LOL! i’m too busy trying to stay alive and keep my head afloat with post menopause! we had a very Active sex life as well, but it can’t last forever, I don’t mean to be a Debbie downer but it changes into a different type of intimacy during this time. I mean we can’t keep at it like we are 20 years old forever ...especially with the hormones so jacked up. Think of it this way... we can’t get very far on a quarter tank of gas, that’s what these hormones are like. Not to mention the cortisol kicking in over drive with everything we’re going through. do not let this make you feel bad, you really have to think of it as the gas tank practically beinf on E, and also everything in life ebbs and flows and change is inevitable and that also includes our sex lives. I wish I could say this was just a phase, but I think it’s a phase that doesn’t go away 😉 I mean... you can approve it... but again is what it is. xo
I'm in tears of laughter. I love this group. It's so nice to share my feelings without judgement. we all have issues and it's good to 😂🤣😂 at times. It's keeps us going 🤗