sex is not the same at all 😕
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I'm 43 yet but over a year I've noticed all peri menopause symptoms. Now. Sex is just. .. would be better without. Nothing works for me. Feel uncomfortable down there . 😢😢😢
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gailannie natallia04776
Welcome to the world of peri and menopause. Sorry, I know this is no joke and it's certainly not funny. Since you mentioned you are feeling uncomfortable down there, it's time for a exam. You don't want to get into vaginal atrophy and dryness. Trust me, nothing will kill your sex life faster than that.
Many of us have experienced this. I'm sorry you are too. But they say that 50% of all women have vaginal atrophy and dryness. I personally think it's simply under reported, and the other 50% no longer care and don't seek treatment. But there are plenty of things you can do to correct the problem. Don't give up, and know you aren't alone.
natallia04776 gailannie
Thanks for the reply! It's not dry there as far as I feel. I have got lovely husband and we are good together. He is doing everything for me.
I have checked myself. All test and even smear test in August came back all clear.
Suki_girl natallia04776
Jerijay natallia04776
I know what you mean. I just want my body to remain as normal as I can have it. Sex sets everything off...very uneasy. I hate the thought of it and I hate getting myself back to feeling fine afterwards. But they don't understand. Ugghhh.
Suki_girl natallia04776
You may not be dry but the condition of your vaginal wall cells may have deteriorated and the skin has become less elastic, which happens during menopause. You can try sea buckthorn oil - a scientific study showed that taking 3g a day improves the condition of the vaginal wall cells and is an alternative for those who cannot use hormone therapy. I managed with that, the application of coconut oil internally every time I visited the toilet and tonnes of yes oil based lubricant for 4 years. But things did gradullay get worse and I finally used ovestin cream and I am so pleased I did - my vag looks and feels years younger.
For extra glide during intercourse you can use yes water based on top of yes oil based lube (oil and water don't mix, so it creates a very slippery surface). Go to there website - it explains it there.
Have you tried any other vaginal moisturers - there are loads of water based ones and ones containing hyaloronic acid. I tried many, even foreign imports. But I am afraid everything stung me down there or made me swell up too much. I could only tolerate natural oils.
You do not have to accept this condition - there are many things you can try to find what works for you. That is what is great about living in this day and age - the choice available to us.
natallia04776 Suki_girl
Thank you very much! I have read the info about and it looks like I have got it. I was using coconut oil. I didn't know that this condition can leed to redness and eachy things!
I feel a bit better! Again forum helps me!
Thank you for your help!
Suki_girl natallia04776
Yep, with vaginal atrophy the condition of the vaginal wall cells deteriorate, the wall gets thinner and less elastic. Normally there is a reduction in the amount of natural lubricatiin produced. I didn't look less moist but it was noticeable that I produced less during intercourse. Interestingly the best way to keep the vagina nice and healthy recommended by doctors is to continue having sex. Sex increases the blood flow to the area, nourishing the cells, and makes the vagina produce more of its own natural lubrication.