Shaky all over when laying down

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Does anyone get shaky and tingly all over when they sit down or lay down? I don’t know what it is and neither do the doctors

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    hi lovely!

    Yes ive had this several times and it was quite scary. i can cope with it now and have no idea why it happens.

    hope you are ok?


  • Posted

    Yes. It was quite bad for some time. It would come and go like having malaria.

    I think it's all from the central nervous system going haywire from the imbalance in hormones.

    For me it wasnt just the internal tremors it was physical shaking.

  • Posted

    thx guys. i seem to get it everyday been to soooo many doctors

    its scary hAve it two months so far...

    mine is intrrnal and alittle external

    do u guys get it in the middlenof thr night?

  • Posted

    thx guys. i seem to get it everyday been to soooo many doctors

    its scary hAve it two months so far...

    mine is intrrnal and alittle external

    do u guys get it in the middlenof thr night?

  • Posted

    thx guys. i seem to get it everyday been to soooo many doctors

    its scary hAve it two months so far...

    mine is intrrnal and alittle external

    do u guys get it in the middlenof thr night?

  • Posted

    Hi... yes I've experienced this... I put it down to adrenaline and most likely caused by hormones.

    It's scary for sure but be reassured that you're not alone in this.

  • Posted

    hi Dev, yes, where are you getting it? Tingling in your hands? Feet? Do you also experience any type of sunburn sensation? All of this comes on me at night & seems to dissipate during the day - i believe during peri & menopause our nervous system gets very compromised & i think cortisol plays a part in all of this so maybe @ night our cortisol is low & that triggers an imbalance with our hormones , who knows?

    • Posted

      i get it most on my legs and arms. tingling but mo burning. dissipates during the say yes! idk what it is

  • Posted

    Hi Dev, yes I have had terrible episodes of this many, many times. Sometimes for weeks and months. I felt like I must just pace around and keep moving to drown it out. VERY inconvenient for me AND my family in the middle of the night, I can tell you.

    I am doing better about keeping up on my vitamins lately. Also, the gyne put me on an estradiol patch at the very lowest dose (0.1 mg per day) and low dose oral progesterone (5 mg per day). I've been on that regimen for 90 days now, and I'm not totally symptom free, but I am MUCH better than I was.

    I basically missed last Christmas with my family, due to shaking, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, fatigue and pain.

    This Christmas was almost like normal... I tired out and got a little anxious by the end of the actual day, but I really enjoyed all the shopping and singing and wrapping this year....nothing like the horror of last year.

    I pray you can find some relief, it's the worst feeling, not being able to trust your body anymore.

    Let me know if I can help at all.

    Good Luck!!


    • Posted

      im glad u r better! i want tongo on somethjng but i have to be cleared by the doctor.

  • Posted

    Dear Dev

    I get it too from time to time - as well as all the other symptoms... I've noticed that they all get worse when I'm not occupied with anything. My therapist says - and she is very wise 😃 - that I tend to be more aware of my body when it is resting and therefore the symptoms seem to increase. I find peace in knowing that if it was serious health problems I would feel them all the time.

    Hope you find peace too!

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