Share your symptoms

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Hello ladies,

There might be something along these lines elsewhere on this forum but I thought it would be a good idea if we shared the worst symptoms we're experiencing and if we've got any remedies, natural or medical or even just trial and error. Some symptoms we may not have any relief from, therefore if someone who reads this has an idea how to gain relief they can share. So I'll start:

1. Palpitations - no remedy. Worse during/around ovulation and period. Also worse if I drink wine (sadly!! Lol)

2. Dizziness - I take vitamin B12 boost spray and a good quality women's vitamin, still suffer around ovulation and periods but the edge has definitely been taken off.

3. Sore breasts - no remedy

4. Brain fog - see above for B12 and multi vitamins

5. Absolutely no desire for sex during 2nd phase of my cycle, I've no remedy for this and it is causing major relationship problems - any help here would be much appreciated

6. Extremely painful ovulation - I take codeine by the bucketful with hardly any relief any help here appreciated too

7. Extremely heavy and painful periods, again I pop codeine like sweeties with barely any relief. I've tried the mini pill, depo, mirena I just bleed constantly on these methods.

8. Really itchy anus (TMI I know!!!) this is quite troublesome and I've tried every lotion, potion and cream under the rising sun with no luck

9. Fatigue and insomnia - contradiction here don't you think but I spend the day shattered them at night I'm wired, the vitamins have helped with the fatigue a little

10. Achy right knee (strange!!) this only happens before period I also get a pain under my right rib

11. Constant ringing in my ears. Tried stemitil and betahistine - no relief

There's a ton more but they're my most troubling symptoms. Any input greatly appreciated by me and maybe others on here. Thanks in advance, Donna xx

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63 Replies

  • Posted

    Palpitations and anxiety sad

    Many more but they are my top two x

    • Posted

      I hate palps. They're so scary. Anxiety, maybe try yoga. I was really anxious last month but I was having a stressy time, Christmas, husband, money etc. I'm going to see how I am this month to see if it's cyclical x
  • Posted

    Hi Donna

    panic and anxiety, I have found Batch Flower drops have worked fantastic for me, it is all natural remedy so doesn't interfere with any medications

    • Posted

      My mother in law swears by rescue remedies so I'll give em a whirl thanks x
  • Posted

    Hi Donna no 5 on your list try ginkgo Bilbao it's herbal and increases blood flow to all organs.

    No 8 on your list might it be a yeast infection take garlic use aloe Vera or coconut oil or plain yoghurt or oatmeal by Aveena in your bath. Not all at once but try one at a time if you haven't already. The garlic you take the rest is applied.

    Ringing in the ears tinnitus?

    Can't answer any more good luck. I will stick with hot flushes which is my main one

    • Posted

      A damp cloth at the side of your bed through the night might help with any flushes that wake you up. It is tinnitus but only started when I entered peri, hopefully it'll go away when this nightmare ends. You have a good point about coconut oil, it seems to be the in thing at the min, I'm going to holland and barret tmrow and buying shares in the place lol. Hope your feeling better soon x
  • Posted

    Hi Donna!

    My most troublesome symptoms are:

    1. Anxiety/panic attacks

    2. Digestive problems, heartburn, constipation, etc.

    3. Feeling of dread like I'm dying

    4. Wobbly legs, painful legs, restless legs especially at night

    5. Foggy head feeling, migraine

    6. Feeling ill like the flu but not having it

    7. Achiness all over

    8. Eye and vision problems

    Of course this doesn't begin the surface of all the symptoms that I have. I don't really have a remedy for them other than trying to pray and stay on top of taking my vitamins and seeing my doctor if anything new or weird arises.

    • Posted

      Try vitamin B12 boost spray if you don't use it already for the foggy head and wobbly feeling. I'll try the dong quai. Thank you x
    • Posted

      I tried dong quai for a while. My periods came back but it didn't help with other symptoms.

      I gave what I had left to my daughter who had been trying fora baby fora while and she was soon pregnant with twins!

    • Posted

      Oh wow! Yeah that's the thing with medicine or herbs they may work for one thing but not everything. I wish there was a wonder pill that helped with all our symptoms plus provided us with our daily vitamins and minerals.
    • Posted

      LOL, you and I have the SAME symptoms, I mean exact. WOW,  I also get the chest bone pain. I had a chest xray and they saw nothing.

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