sharp pains menoapuse

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Hi ladies

Hope you are having an ok day with the dreaded menopausal symptoms.

Since starting Menopace a week ago i can honestly say I have more energy and less flushes also people have asked if i had some new cream for my face as i look radiant, lol hpe im not pregnant .

Anyway can i ask have any of you had sudden sharp twinge pain on your hips, ? doesnt last long but its not nice, havent had this pain before and wondering if this is another sneeky symptom getting me


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Julie, you mention pain in the hips. I had pain in my hips about 9 years ago it started. I tried different beds n that didnt help. Eventually the pain moved to my butt. I went to the dr. to get it checked out and it turned out to be my aciatic nerve. It wasnt menopause related. I'm not saying this can be the problem you have but it's what mine turned out to be. The sciatic nerve runs down your back and splits off thru your butt and goes down each leg. My pain started in my hips then moved to my butt. I now tend to have lower back pain. Its common in many people.
  • Posted


       Here's my story and I don't mean to be a downer.  I never had any sort of hot flashes or night sweats.  Lucky me, right?  But when I began meno what I noticed right away was lower back pain that was awful.  Next I got frozen shoulder for 6 months.  Then as Annsproject said, pain went into my hips.  I too was told it was my sciatic nerve.  From there it became chronic, wide spread muscle and ligament pain. There wasn't a part of me that didn't hurt.  I couldn't spoon with my husband in bed for ten minutes.  I saw no less than 12 doctors or therapists.  No one could identify a problem, including fibromyalsia (sp?).   Anyway, as the years from my last period continued, then I got into vaginal dryness, painful sex, and atrophy.  That was when my doctor prescribed vaginal Estrace.  I didn't use it often the first year, but by the next physical the problem had even gotten worse.  So I decided I needed to use it regularly, to correct the vaginal problem.  Low and behold, after years and years, all the chronic pain went away!!   It was more than a miracle and a lot of heaven.  So even though not one doctor could tell me what was causing the pain in my back, hips, muscles and ligaments, apparently it was estrogen that my body wanted.  And believe me, it was SCREAMING.    

    So as I said I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but please remember that the lack of estrogen, tesosterone and progesterone, change everything about our bodies.  And menopause isn't something that "goes away".  It is a permenant state.  This is where woman in meno get into thyroid problems, arthritis, type two diabetes, just to name a few.  All hormones work together in the body and effect one another.  When we lose our sex hormones, it effects eveything else.    

  • Posted

    Hi Julie

    Yes, I get a sudden shooting/stabbing pain just beneath the skin on the hip.  Lasts for a second but boy does it hurt.  It actually makes me jump.  It is like someone has stabbed me with a blunt needle.

    When it happens I have to push my fist really hard into the area and change my position.  I find I can't wear anything tight fitting round that area.  When at home I live in jogging bottoms, my trousers have part of the waistband with elastic in them and most of my skirts are elasticated.  Can't bear to wear tights, they start off the stabbing pain.

    I have been in menopause for nearly six years and have had this problem since then.  I don't take HRT because I am worried about getting a blood clot, my mum died at the age of 47 from a blood clot, so I just have to put up with it.  I have found that the problem goes in phases.  Sometimes I will have a flare up and then go quite a while with no pain.

    Been to see countless professionals but none have been able to tell me what it is.


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