Sheer tiredness
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does anyone else get up in the morning with the usuall aches and pains but feel not too bad and then within a few hours feels totally shattered!!!! Im sick of feeling like this, why is my energy gone before I have started I could barely keep my eyes open, but I always fight it even if I just sit down with a cup of tea until it passes. Its so frustrating!!! Some days it last for hours and sometimes it disappears after a wee break, but its the way it just hits me out of no where!!!
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jayneejay Trevis
Ummmm in the past i have had body aches stiff joints etc, i only got tiredness before i had a proper period previously, dont have any now,,
Could maybe you be due a period or its the pmt no period symptoms maybe ...
I still had symptoms but no period and tears and emotions intensified ... After B6 all that stopped for me
Jay xx
Trevis jayneejay
jayneejay Trevis
well i started mine in April and felt great in about 7-10 days..
i could feel the difference ... it worked for me..
i take 150mg daily.. my tablets are Benadon 300mg by Bayer but I halve mine.. with a pill splitter ..
too much may cause tingles but it stops when you stop or reduce ..
thats why i take half the tab....
in busy b's tablets there is 100mg in them i think..
my tabs are strong so i wouldnt take 300mg i did try it for a month to see if it got even better but it stayed same so i reverted back to half.. 150mg daily, take in morning... expect to lose some weight as well a little bit
Jay xx
Blessed_Mimi Trevis
Sorry your going through so much lately. I had this same thing for my first 2 years of peri. I ended up in the emergency room several times ,with many more symptoms of course.
I have found through alot of trial and error that taking flaxseed helps me when I don't have energy. I have them in a baggie with almonds mixed, ( they are very tiny seeds to chew)on my nightstand.
I have woke up in the middle of the night wide awake for no apparent reason and throw a few in my mouth and within a half hour I'm back to sleep. The seeds are suppose to produce our natural estrogen in our bodies. I can't take any HRT so I try to find all natural things that help. Google the herb Maca...also a wonderful herb.
I have also read that when we are overly tired that we are more then likely progesterone dominate. Ill try to find the article and post it for ya. Hope you feel better. Be blessed x
Trevis Blessed_Mimi
Blessed_Mimi Trevis
I take chasteberry herb as a natural replica of progesterone and I felt so good taking it but I slept so much and had no energy. I started to Google some of my symptoms and kept a menopause chart, printed off a website, which was really helpful, and come to my own conclusions what I was high and low in monthly. My doctors didn't do a thing for me so I thought I better figure it out on my own.
My mother has always taught me to be in tune with own body and I'm glad she did ,as this has helped me through my hardest times in life .
Let me know how you score on Dr lees test, im anxious to hear ! Take care & be blessed xx
jayneejay Trevis
weird this ... as my Gyno two night ago told me natural progesterone cream messes women up, ( i explained my experience ) how it brought back my periods and gave me a breast lump.. ( non cancerous)
he said we need oestrogen with a bit of progesterone..
we have progesterone ... its the hormone that lasts the longest in a peri lady..
i had read this before.. progesterone creams are not as safe as you think and sold easy to ladies believing their every word..
i am sending you a private message link to read about effects and how it does store in the body fat and turn into testosterone ..
and how people sell it and the jargon etc....
its only for you to read and make your own judgements..
Jay xx
jayneejay Trevis
i have private messaged you the link.. this is what my Gyno was explaining to me, he simply said no no no progesterone cream wrong ... said we need oestrogen and a little progesterone... this natural progesterone cream even though women think its natural is still HRT..
here is a little part of the info link i sent ..
Figure 3: Hormone Synthesis
This patient started taking progesterone cream after being convinced that it would help her many symptoms. She used the smallest recommended dose for the two weeks before the start of her period as directed in Dr. Lee’s book. In the beginning (first couple of months) she really felt as if the cream had made a significant difference in her symptoms. The fact was that a number of months later she realized that she continued to have her symptoms, but was reluctant to stop using the cream for fear of making them worse. And, since progesterone cream was completely safe she saw no reason to stop its use.
Progesterone cream dissolves in fat and can thus be stored in your fatty tissue. The levels of progesterone steadily increase within fat tissue with prolonged use. After a while, the amount being added every month, along with the amount being released from the fatty stores, causes elevated progesterone levels throughout the female cycle. So, instead of supplementing a little progesterone during a short period of time the body becomes subjected to elevated levels throughout the female cycle The body can then take the extra progesterone and make it into either testosterone or extra estrogen. Excess testosterone can also be made into estrogen. Thus, the body is thrown into a dangerous hormonal imbalance that does not serve to promote proper health.
Jay xx
sharcerv52408 Trevis
AVR1962 Trevis
I did go thru a spell early on in peri that I was always exhausted, could not sleep and I think part of why I was so exhausted was becasue I was not sleeping at night. Sleep is real real important for us to be able to function properly. If sleep is an issue find something that is safe and works for you, it might also make a difference. I take melatonin, normally 1 tab at bed time and then one again if I wake in the middle of the night. On nights I really need to sleep I take 1 cap (half dose) of NightQuil but I find it will make me groggy in the morn sometimes.
One other tip I have found that helps besides nutrition and sleep is making myself get up and do some kind of exercise first thing in the morning. There is actual proof too that exercise in the morning will give you more energy during the day. I find exercise helps me sleep better at night. Sometimes I really have to push myself but I figure anything is better than nothing.
At our age, I suggest not just cardio but grab some weights. Don't let it intimidate you. If you have never worked with weights there is no better time to learn something new and add change to your life.