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HI I HAVE HAD SHINGLES 4 weeks ago , ONLY 3 scaby spots but had upset stomach ,bad nausea and tired, it got better then this week i feel like week one ! anyone else had this , how long does it last ! spots have cleared up , but just this is getting me down x

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear this. I have been through this too and for me it cleared up and at times I felt better but then close to my monthly I would get so sick again. Like I am right now. My symptoms seem to increase around my time of the month which is always coming or sometimes it doesnt come and Im stuck with the symptoms until it does. Like right now Im really late and really sick and in alot of pain in my lower back and in my ovaries. I pray that I start to give me some relief. The worst thing I get is painful blisters in my mouth. I do hope you feel better. Its such a horrible thing that us ladies have to endure. One thing the doctor told me when I had a rash was to increase my water intake. She said that I was dehydrated. Even with me drinking three bottles of water a day. So I did and the rash subsided. I hope this helps.

    • Posted

      well funny you should say that , as im due on in next few days and last time i felt this bad was again 3 days before i came on and noticed the rash !!

      how strange that hormones/ premenstral can bring the systims back to the surface !

  • Posted

    Great.. something else for me to look forward too... UGH I always thought that was for the elderly people but I guess that's not the case. I did read that honey helps cold sores so perhaps it could help the blisters around your mouth.

  • Posted

    I would be look at healing your gut, probiotics, vitamin c, a good honey would help such as manuka honey. Eat well with lots of veg, reduce sugars and bad carbs like white bread... see how you go. Shingles is a pain sounds like you got a mild dose but yes it can impact on parts of the body sounds like the gut for you. So if you can help yourself with that area you should heal faster I would say.

    • Posted

      Thank you for that , I think you are right , i will go out tomorrow and stock up !

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