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It seems I'm shivering even when the heaters are feels like my body is so cold that I can feel it from the insides..I'm not anemic test was fine,if I'm under the blankets though I throw them off due to hot sweat coming on then go back again shivering can't win.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    hi, same with me i shiver and get cold ,

    i have been in bed for 7 October i was a bit ok but today , i have stomach pains, shivering, heart bit and no sleeping.

  • Posted

    I said the same exact thing today. My hands and feet are always cold no matter what. Sometimes i have cold chills down to the bone and can't seem to warm up no matter what. I throw the blanket on and it feels good af first and then flash! I have to through it off. But my feet and hands remain cold. 

    • Posted

      Feel cold inside and as you said feel hot and the quilt is on then off then on then off  at last fall off to sleep wake up all over again Lol.
    • Posted

      Yes exactly Maria. But i will say I'd take the cold chills and hot flashes all day long as long as I didn't have to deal with this terrible anxiety that had hit me recently out of left field. I'm so down in the dumps lately over this anxiety. 

  • Posted

    That’s because you are a Floridian and it’s only 80 degrees today! Haha
  • Posted

    I call my suddenly frigid body temperature a cold flash.  I am more likely to have those than a hot flash.

    I think the disregulation of body temperature is a very common expression in perimenopauserolleyes

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