Shortness of breath/chest tightness is making life miserable
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New to this board although I have been reading through alot of your posts in the last few days.
I have been having shortness of breath (hard time taking a deep breath, not hyperventilating) for the past month. Mostly comes on in the evening around dinner - and most of the time after I eat dinner) and just lasts most of the night. Its terrible and I am really struggling.
Anyone been through this? Have seen a cardiologist and blood work has been done. No red flags. Am due to get and echocardiogram in January just for baseline. Blood work was fine although now diagnosed with HBP and put on a low dose to control it. Was anxious about that but all seems ok there.
The shortness of breath and the chest tightness is what is really getting to me. Its not EVERY day, but most. Takes time away from my kids since I need to then lie down and take it easy (deep breathing, etc. but nothing makes it stop). Help anyone? Experiences?
Thanks in advance.
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Gypsy014 trabbs29
Hi yes I have that right now, it went away when this all started and now its back again in fact a lot of my symptoms are back just this week from 3 years ago that either left me completely or just wasn't that bad or often anymore.. But anyhow its back and its a pain in the you know what.. So for me its bloating indigestion air swallowing just about anything makes me bloat up with very trapped gas that makes me feel like I swallowed a balloon, so it pushes air up so high makes you feel like you can't breathe even my chest cavity hurts like as if I lifted some weights but didn' some of the things that I do is sip water or anything really that can make you burp/belch to try and relive any air to help you get that deep breath again and moving around helps relieve it and the bras restrict my breathing too feels like a tight band around me when I get like this so I just don't wear one then..also watch out for the heart palpatations usually comes along with the bloat and gerd something to do with the vagus nerve, honestly its a pain but once you realize its not asthma or your heart you tend to calm down so you can deal with it better, just got to relieve all the air and pressure way up high making it all so uncomfortable...
amy341731 trabbs29
oh my can I relate..I am 48 & have been suffering many perimenopause symptoms, for about 2 years now...The first amd most disturbing one was and still is anxiety...I also have the tight chest and inability to take deep breaths.. but it’s not directly related to anxiety if that makes sense. It comes and goes every few months, maybe lasting a month or so..It does not seem to correlate with times of stress but on the other hand, its happened a lot at Christmas time. Nothing really helps but I do try to stay hydrated and take vitamins...knowing I am not alone helps a lot, thanks to everyone on here. My mind always tries to get me down and imagine its something worse but I get my physical, mammogram, bloodwork done and it is all normal. Hang in there and reach out anytime!!!
michelle29462 trabbs29
I had this all day for 4 months i call it air hunger were you feel like you cant get a deep breath and b12 helps.Still happens but not as often.
Thanks ladies for the input.
I am struggling with this so much.Now wondering if it is related to GERD even though I don't have heart burn (but recently felt somewhat of an ulcer starting at the top of my stomach). It def. starts after I eat dinner (a bigger meal)....that I have noticed in the past month this has been happening.
What doctor should I see for this? I have mentioned it to my primary in the past 2 months and she says its probably anxiety. (I know when I have anxiety- this is different)
Ughh. Thanks again for all your feedback. Hope everyone has a peaceful and happy holiday season.
debra16694 trabbs29
hi there - would you say your stomach discomfort is more like in your right upper quadrant of stomach, if so, i had it, got it CT Scanned, all ok - i have had everything you describe, the shortness of breath (comes on at dinnertime because thats when our cortisol dipps) the GERD, the bloat the anxiety & a million other symptoms - i found that taking Apple Cider Vinegar capsules with Beet juice helps with indigestion & beet juice is good for HBP - its really unfortunate, but we just cant eat the same way we did before, everything affects us now - the air hunger is freaky, but just know you wont die from it & if possible take a little bit of anti anxiety pill to help youcalm down, i think its just a hormonal glitch -
rebecca_68782 trabbs29
This is the symptom I hate the most, next to the heart palpatations. I have been checked out (seen 6 cardiologists in 7 years) and all they found was a mild mitral valve abnormality. My difficulty taking a deep breath usually always comes in the evening and around dinner time. I have to stop and take a deep breath. I have gained weight, but I had it before I did. I also have GERD. I just try to take some slow deep breaths and relax. Eventually it passes, but it seems to be insistent on returning. Hope it eases soon for us both.
trabbs29 rebecca_68782
HI Rebecca -
Same here. ughhhh. Who diagnosed you with GERD, what symptoms were you having and what if anything do you take for it? after googling this nonsense for weeks, I see that GERD keeps coming up as a possibility.
Thank you for your answer and support. I dont feel so doomed when I see others have gone or are going through this....
rebecca_68782 trabbs29
My GP diagnosed me years ago and I had this test to see how bad it was. it turned out to be moderate. I recently had a scope and they said my esophagus was mildly scared, but overall okay. GERD makes me feel yucky, shortness of breath, nauseous, acid in my throat, gas, bloating. I take antacid when it is really bad, otherwise, I eat less, drink very little alcohol, no coffee and can not lay down for 3 hours after eating. I agree, it is nice to know others are going through it too. Makes it a little less scary for me. Blessings.
tamsin00119 trabbs29
Hi Trabbs
I had that quite a lot a while ago until dr diagnosed my deficiency in vitb12. Since I have had 2 injections it is soo much better... I now take 1 vitb12 sublingual and it helps quote a lot... have you had your vit and nutrient levels checked?
Just a thought