Should I be concerned?

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Hi!  I am hoping it's over.  And I am on Menopause.  I haven't had a period since April 2nd.  I had very heavy and long term  bleeding  before that . I had gone to the doctor and she had found a polyp in my uterus which she biopsied and found it to be non-cancerous.  However she wants to remove the polyp anyway and give me progesterone.  I am getting ner vous about it and want to know if anyone out there has had such a procedure done and how long recovery takes.  Lori

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lori, I had an ovary removed last year along with uterine and cervical polyps.  It was a laparoscopic surgery and it took me about a month to get back to normal.  I would say it depends on how it will be done, whether anything else will be removed, etc.
  • Posted

    Hi lori smile 

      I had a uterine polyp removed and a d&c done..very simple procedures that I realised later I had unnecessarily worried about beforehand .If it's as straight forward as it sounds give it a few days and you'll be out and about.I had no incision.

      All the best.

  • Posted

    Hi Lori, i have had the same as you . I had  Hysteroscopy & polyp removed under general aneasthetic. All was fine i was back to normal within 2 days, just felt tired. I had this procedure March 15th just gone,. Hope this helps smile

  • Posted

    I had a polyp removed removed a few years ago and it was not as bad as I thought. It was over fairly quickly (probably more uncomfortable lying with your legs held up than the actual procedure itself). I was a bit tender for a couple of days afterwards but not too bad. Try not to worry about it too much. It'll be all over and done with before you know it. Good luck!!!

  • Posted

    I have polyps too. I have not agreed to have them removed. At this time, they are not causing problems. It's very "routine" for a doc to recommend having a polyp removed. When I asked if removing them could cause more problems (bleeding, etc.) and my doc said definitely. He could not guarantee me that removing the polyps would be the "end of the story." So no, I have not agreed to have it done.

    I really feel like some of the docs just go down the list...

    1. You presented with spotting.

    2. We sent you for a sono hystogram.

    3. It showed polyps.

    4. We did a biopsy.

    5. Still have them removed, regardless of the biopsy results.

    However, I had bleeding from the vaginal walls (atrophy). I asked him if that could have been the cause of bleeding. He admitted it could. I mentioned that I could have had those polyps for YEARS. He agreed I could have.

    I'm not sure my initial complaint had anything to do with polyps or if it was vaginal atrophy.


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