Should I get rid of this doctor?
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I've had this doctor for close to 3 years... he always seemed mild mannered, he seemed ok but during that time I only saw him for 'easy' routine things-- he was good about returning calls, however I did realize he spent minimal time and didn't really delve into asking questions that might help him form a bigger picture of my health- kind of a basic hmo doctor (I'm sure some are really good but overall they are owned by the insurance groups and really aren't the way doctors used to be)
Now to my concern-- although in the past I saw him several times for minor issues the past months I went to him for more complex causes that would require more than just a quick 5 minute visit. First of all I went to see him recently for symptoms I've continued to have after (sad to say) I had a head injury from being assaulted (by my partner)--- during the visit I told him my symptoms which any conscientious doctor would automatically inquire what caused it, he was as usual trying to quickly get me in and out in a few minutes. He finally asked if I knew what might be causing my symptoms (headache, humming noise in head, some difficulty w memory etc) and I told him it was due to a head injury. He asked if I "fell and hit my head" and I told him actually I was assaulted. He appeared uncomfortable but asked if it was someone I knew, I said yes , it was my partner. He mumbled something about referring me to a neurologist. I told him it was more than one incident of being hit in head. All he did was said they would call me with referral. No questions asking if I'm safe, or taking time to talk to me about domestic violence or even asking if I'm still with him-- besides the obvious ethical concern raised by his total lack of assessing my situation / safety, offering referrals etc which should just be a given from any physician presented with a patient who has injuries from domestic violence-- there is the question of his duty legally to report injuries from domestic violence.
I was shocked by his complete indifference and absence of any type of concern or practical help or appropriate measures to determine if I am safe or is he just sending me back to where it happened etc
The neurologist office called telling me they had appointment for me in TWO months. I asked if she was aware the visit was for head trauma and seemed like it would be scheduled asap due to the critical nature of head injuries. The girl said she was confused because the reason my doctor referred me to the neurologist was due to "mild memory loss"!!! ? I was dumbfounded and extremely angry and frustrated to say the least that my doctor who has treated me for several years had, upon knowing I had head injury from an assault , omitted that and simply reported the reason as memory loss.
I explained to the girl at the neurologist office that the reason was for symptoms I was having DUE to head trauma. She said she would call my doctor office right away and suggested that I also call since I'm the patient and let them know about the "mistake".
I called my doctor office and the girl was very nice and concerned and looked at the notes- she said the doctor had referred me over for the reason of memory loss!-- no mention of the actual reason of head trauma. She said she would have the doctor call me. He called back a few hours later asking what I need. I said I was puzzled why he had failed to mention the head trauma- the critical and only thing I saw him for. He said he "didn't remember me mentioning about that or being assaulted!??? Then he said "well as long as your going to see the neurologist why is it important for you that I correct the office notes? At this point I'm honestly not sure if he just is clueless or if he has some personal reason he doesn't like addressing domestic violence?? As calmly and politely as possible I tell him that I have always understood it's important for people to make sure their medical records are accurate and that something as critical as a head trauma needs to be reflected in my records-- he said "I feel like your arguing with me-- I told you I don't recall any mention of an assault or head trauma-- I remember we talked about headache and some memory loss... but I suppose "if it's so important to you" then I'll add something to the notes about the trauma. ?? That was it-- no apology, no inquiry as to whether I am safe or ok or do I need referrals etc.
Before this there was one morning I had to go to the emergency dept after an assault- that doctor was very different- really on point- concerned and took time specifically addressing domestic violence with me, had a social worker come in to talk to me etc and said he had to make a report because it was clear to him the injury was a result of dv.
This so called family doctor I can't tell honestly if he has just led a sheltered type of life and hasn't seen patients for dv injuries-- that would be a little hard to envision since he's been in practice for a good 25 years-- I suppose it's possible he's just sheltered and clueless about the real world issues like domestic violence and only sees patients for the flu, blood pressure, etc? Or... for personal reasons he's uncomfortable with the issue of domestic violence and that would explain his quick brush off to refer me to a specialist with no inquiry like the other doctor did, and also would explain why he neglected to include the fact I have head trauma from a dv assault. It's very hard to find it credible his claim that he doesn't recall any mention by me of the assault- and that all he recalls is that I saw him for headache and memory loss.
I appreciate any thoughts on this especially your thoughts on if it sounds like he purposely left out mention of the dv assault or if he is just clueless.
His utter lack of concern or even bothering to inquire if I'm okay or safe is to be blunt seems like total neglect of his duties and incompetence ( plus just basic human decency and concern )
I don't know if it's worth it to try to have a discussion w him regarding my concern about his not recording the injury in his notes and total lack of concern or follow through - and point out that he never bothered to determine if I'm safe or report it. Or if I should consider filing a complaint with the board? And look for other doctor.
I posted this in menopause because he is the same doctor who when I let him know I haven't had periods in over six months and requested bloodwork done to determine what would help my menopause symptoms, this doctor called back and left a message that simply said "your blood test confirms your going through the change" --- what a genius-- lol, I already knew that as I had told him I knew I was going through it because I haven't had any periods in over half a year. I called him back once again hello?? And politely informed him that yes I was aware I'm going through "the change " ( as he put it, he seemed uncomfortable to say the word menopause) and that I wanted to know the levels of my bloodwork to know what treatment would help me best. He just said my estrogen was low, and did I want anti depressants. No offer for me to come in so he could go over the fine points of the blood levels and options of treatment- just a brush off that in going thru "the change" and do I want anti depressants.
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lynda20916 danielle35642
Your summary of events is particularly accurate and insightful. You've reached the logical conclusion. For whatever reason, this guy is no longer useful as a personal physician. In fact, he's a danger to you, and probably to his other patients. In terms of an HMO he's probably just the kind of doc they want.
Get yourself a good doctor. I've had to do the same, because I had a "good enough" doctor for a very long time. Then, I got seriously ill. When that happens, you don't need someone with a relaxed attitude, and a leisurely approach. I found that in my area the good ones weren't accepting new patients. I finally called and threatened to lodge a formal complaint unless I got some action. Surprise, surprise, the doctor that I wanted, in the same practice, was willing to accept me as a new patient. Fortunately for me, these docs were in the same office, so I could use some leverage.
Start looking now, because it could take a while. Best of luck!
ImagineOneDay danielle35642
Suki_girl danielle35642
Dear Danielle,
You are clearly very upset by this incident with your doctor. First of all, for what ever reason, he is clearly uncomfortable with the whole dv thing - it is no use speculating why, there could be a multitude of reasons. But this makes him an inappropriate doctor to approach for that problem. If you feel strongly enough you should make a complaint, but not to him, to the head of his practice or following the complaints procedure of that practice. Are you in the U.K.? I live in the U.K. and my local family doctor's practice has an official complaints procedure. Secondly, in my experience, it is no use going to a male general practitioner about female issues - periods, sexual intercourse, menopause, etc. Get yourself a female gp. I am not saying this applies to all male gps, just in my experience. And finally, I do hope you are rid of your abusive partner???
melinda128 danielle35642
I am so sorry for what you have been through. I can't text fast enough what I want to say. Please find another doctor asap! You have been through enough without this. Do you have a female friend or relative to help you get through this? I could only imagine if this was my daughter. I will be praying for you.
Sochima822 danielle35642
Domestic violence is not something gp's deal with, gynecologists on the other hand take great concern with this. From his attitude I'd say he doesn't want you as a patient anymore. Find a women's clinic that may go the extra mile to help you with this issue. As for going through the change seek a gynecologist who will be better able to help you more than a gp in this area.
The doctor at the ER was a male older doctor and he was so different-- very conscientious and concerned, took the fact my injury was from dv very seriously- instead of quickly prescribing me a med, he spent time talking to me, explaining how serious it is and then had a social worker come in to talk to me. My own gp was clearly uncomfortable didn't want to know anything or discuss with me my situation ask about my safety etc. Both men about the same age, the ER doctor was actually a little older. You would think your personal family doctor would if anything show more concern, the ER doctor was someone I'd never met but he as a doctor and also a fellow human being had a lot of concern and felt a responsibility for my welfare.
Sorry I posted this reply accidentally as a seperate new thread- it was suppose to be here as a reply under this topic. Another poster stated that domestic violence isn't something that gp doctors deal with - this simply isn't true. Any doctor in whatever area of medicine can and likely will at some point encounter patients who come in that there is evidence or reason to suspect dv. Some patients may come in and be forthcoming that they have an injury due to dv. Another scenario that happens is for a patient to come in for some other reason say anxiety. In the exam if the doctor has his eyes open he may observe certain things that could indicate possibility of dv- either a faded bruise, fearful or depressed affect, guarded or secretive about giving information etc. Some practices now as a matter of routine screen all patients for that. An ER in my area during triage as a routine part of their assessment ask if there is any violence at home or if they are in a dv situation.So it's really a responsibility of any doctor to be aware of this because of the serious nature and potential for serious injury or death.
Suki_girl danielle35642
I was not satisfied with the treatment my family dr was giving my 1 year old daughter, so I spoke to the head of the practice and he agreed with me.
lynda20916 danielle35642
I hope that you've successfully gotten out of the situation and that you are in a safe place. In the US, several states have required procedures during exams in which the doctor must ask about domestic violence. And, if the doctor is told that the patient is experiencing domestic violence they must report it, by law. Though you might not feel comfortable reporting the gp, I think you definitely should consider it, if not for yourself, for the next patient whose circumstances he prefers to ignore.
Best of luck to you! Please let us know how you get on xx
danielle35642 lynda20916
Yes thank you I definitely agree and am strongly leaning towards making a complaint against this doctor for gross negligence or whatever term. I can't believe I clearly told him I had head trauma and he asked from what and when clearly told him from dv incidents and later he claims all I told him is I get headaches and mild memory loss, he claims he has no recollection of any mention of dv or assault.
girlfour danielle35642
I'm so sorry you're going through this. The doctor was probably trying to protect your privacy by listing it the way he did. There are many organizations that help women and children in domestic violence is easy as looking it up on the internet. I hope you got out and away from this man that's been hurting you. I'm sorry you're going through this.