Should I go to the doctors about abnormally period?
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I've had my period for about a month now. At first it was spotting, which turned into spotting that wasnt quite a full blown period but enough that I needed to wear pads. Now I'm having a heavy period. Usually I get severe PMS cramps but not within the past year. For the past year or so I'll get my period once every 2-3 months. Its usually just light spotting for a few weeks and then it goes away. This time is much different, as described above. I'm 18. I've never had a regular period, its usually only once every 2-3 months and it used to be heavy and painful when it came. However for the past year it hasn't been. I have tried to go ask my mom to make me doctors appointments but she refuses. Should I do it myself? I don't want to make a big deal about it if its not. I am over weight but this has been a problem since before I gained weight. Is it because I'm fat?
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amalia3088 kris21016
Best of luck
helen17212 kris21016
kris21016 helen17212
helen17212 kris21016
helen17212 kris21016
"If you've gained a significant amount of weight in recent months, this could affect your period's regularity. Women naturally have estrogen that helps make the uterus a comfy and favorable environment to a growing fetus. However, if you're overweight or obese, you might actually accumulate fat cells that produce a form of estrogen called estrone. These cells mimic pregnancy, so that you're not ovulating, but blood continues to line your uterine wall. It builds up to such an extent that when you finally do get your period, it's heavier than normal and it seems as though it'll never end."
kris21016 helen17212
Do you think my doc would do a blood test to find that out? Do you have any idea what will happen at my doc. appointment?
Thank you for providing the site, im going to check that out now.
Thank you so much for helping me out btw, this has been a huge help. I'm so scared to go to the doctors, idk why but the whole idea makes me uncomfortable. I think its because my mom doesnt want me to go. But you have def provided me with some motivation.
helen17212 kris21016
Weight can totally have an effect on periods but if they've always been irregular and only recently been heavy you should be checked out. I had to get my on line calculator to work out what 200 pounds was as I'm English! I was about the same which is around 15 stones at your age which is why I'm thinking it might be PCOS as I was skinny until puberty and we always are healthy. You should google PCOS. Other problems could be cysts or fibroids and at the very worst (which I'm sure it's not, is cancer). Just tell the symptoms to a doctor who will refer you to a gynaecologist. The first thing they do is take blood tests as that tells your hormone levels, then they will examine you by putting their fingers inside to see if they can feel anything, then they will do an external scan which is the same as pregnant women have. After that there is an internal scan with a camera, a sonograph which is a little uncomfortable but ok. This will show for sure if there are poly cysts on the ovaries. After that they may have to do a hysteroacopy or lapyoscopy but only if the internal sonograph shows nothing and both of these are usually under general anaesthetic though the former can be local. Try not to worry as stress can have an effect on cycles and even the heaviness of a bleed and often after all investigations they'll just say you're ok but you need to get checked out to be sure. If your mum has never had problems she probably doesn't realise the seriousness of gynae health. There's no need to worry, I've had problems for over 30 years and found medications to manage it. It's probably PCOS or stress related.
kris21016 helen17212
Thank you so much for replying to me. I dont think I would've gone to my appointment if you hadn't replied, I was really nervous about it. I'll let you know if they find anything. Now the real challenge: Telling my mom all this LOL.
helen17212 kris21016