Should i take this new HRT ?
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Hi well today i'm supposed to start on a new Hrt in a very low dose but i cant make up my mind about it as since i stopped the last one which made me feel really crazy and started taking Menopace and multi vitamins plus extra vitamin C the sweats are lots better plus i have noticed that drinking coffee sends me into a terrible clammy sweat for hours. has anyone else taken vitamins and supplements instead of HRT i was also told Sage tablets were good for sweats and Royal Jelly was good for nervousness xx
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jayneejay arlene27752
bless ya hun.
i am same looking at not HRT but low dose anti anxiety/depressants ..
called Escitalopram, doctor thinks they relieve hot flushes as mine are 20+ a day.. Only 10mg low dose just for that issue
what do ya do ay..
i cant take HRT ,, family history of breast cancers , All took HRT
also i had endometriosis years ago and hours of laser surgery, so dont and cant take HRT.
which HRT have you been given arlene..
jay x
arlene27752 jayneejay
jayneejay arlene27752
good luck hun
jay x
nikiola18292 arlene27752
Yes i use Agnus Castus (two a day) and magneisium ok. Am peri, had bad anxiety beginning of month, I feel much better, it take a while initially before it starts working but does work. I found out about Agnus Castus after reading an artical in the Sunday Times, about peri and menopausal women.
Scampi18 nikiola18292
I don't know if you know the answer to this, I have hypothyroidisum is it ok to take Angus cactus and magnesium, how long did it take to start working. 😃
nikiola18292 Scampi18
ruth24048 nikiola18292
nikiola18292 ruth24048
400mg. 2 a day. It has helped me, keep thinking im imagining it, but yes i feel a thousand times better then i felt 2 weeks ago. Had anxiety for a week every day, iv been taking these now for just over 2 weeks, i also take magneisium for PMS which i have taken off and on over the past 30 years, and yes they work!! It is one of the remedys from what i read after tests was the most effective. Im sticking with it. You can get them from Holland & Barrat. I got mine from local health food shop. Im not going to take HRT if offered, however if i was going out of my mind with anxiety and nothing worked i might try it, but fingers crossed his seems to be working for me at the mo.
bobbysgirl arlene27752
I tried Black Cohosh - it made me feel very strange.
3 Sage tablets reduced night sweats from 8 to about 5. That's as good as it got.
We are all different, there is no harm in trying Menopace etc. If it works for you, yipeeee!
I too had Endometriosis, but tried HRT and for a while I felt terrific, back to my old self. Then the bleeding started.... What do you do? What a choice!
jayneejay bobbysgirl
i found Vit B6 the best
and rainforest food Maca 5.1 capsules ..
jay x
arlene27752 bobbysgirl
pat61957 jayneejay
susan21149 arlene27752
Try the HRT and see if it works if it desn't try something else.
Hope you feel better
arlene27752 susan21149