Should i take this new HRT ?

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Hi well today i'm supposed to start on a new Hrt in a very low dose but i cant make up my mind about it as since i stopped the last one which made me feel really crazy and started taking Menopace and multi vitamins plus extra vitamin C the sweats are lots better plus i have noticed that drinking coffee sends me into a terrible clammy sweat for hours. has anyone else taken vitamins and supplements instead of HRT i was also told Sage tablets were good for sweats and Royal Jelly was good for nervousness xx

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi arlene 

    bless ya hun.

    i am same looking at not HRT but low dose anti anxiety/depressants ..

    called Escitalopram, doctor thinks they relieve hot flushes as mine are 20+ a day.. Only 10mg low dose just for that issue 

    what do ya do ay..

    i cant take HRT ,, family history of breast cancers , All took HRT

    also i had endometriosis years ago and hours of laser surgery, so dont and cant take HRT.

    which HRT have you been given arlene.. 

    jay x

    • Posted

      Hiya jayneejay, the new one i have been givenis called Femoston-conti but at a very low dose of 0.5mg/day for the first 2 wks this really is a nightmare us women have to go through i have been sitting here crying for the last hour totally exhausted so i take my hat off to anyone who has children or granchildren to cope with. Iam finding that wearing very loose vest tops in an unheated room seems to be helping a lot with my night sweats but during the day any stress at all brings on cold sweats which are really nasty so now i watch the clock for bedtime. I have been on anti-depressants for many years so they wont work for me but i hope they help you i'll keep everyone posted on this new HRT the Dr has given me XXX
  • Posted

    Hi Arleen,

    Yes i use Agnus Castus (two a day) and magneisium ok.  Am peri, had bad anxiety beginning of month, I feel much better, it take a while initially before it starts working but does work.  I found out about Agnus Castus after reading an artical in the Sunday Times, about peri and menopausal women.

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      I don't know if you know the answer to this, I have hypothyroidisum is it ok to take Angus cactus and magnesium, how long did it take to start working. 😃

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      Hi if you buy this ask in the shop or check with your GP, or a pharmasist.  I would have thought it would be ok as herbal. magneisium is in food so should be fine. x
    • Posted

      How many mg of Agnus castus do you take, also how has it helped you exactly, am interested to hear all about it.😊
    • Posted

      Hi there,

      400mg.  2 a day.  It has helped me, keep thinking im imagining it, but yes i feel a thousand times better then i felt 2 weeks ago.  Had anxiety  for a week every day, iv been taking these now for just over 2 weeks, i also take magneisium for PMS which i have taken off and on over the past 30 years, and yes they work!!  It is one of the remedys from what i read after tests was the most effective.  Im sticking with it.  You can get them from Holland & Barrat.  I got mine from local health food shop.  Im not going to take HRT if offered, however if i was going out of my mind with anxiety and nothing worked i might try it, but fingers crossed his seems to be working for me at the mo.

  • Posted

    I went down the Menopace/remedies track and it did absolutely nothing for me. A Pharmacist friend is having much better luck. Though she found one Sage tablet a day did nothing, she gets excellent results from two.

    I tried Black Cohosh - it made me feel very strange.eek 3 Sage tablets reduced night sweats from 8 to about 5. That's as good as it got.

    We are all different, there is no harm in trying Menopace etc. If it works for you, yipeeee!

    I too had Endometriosis, but tried HRT and for a while I felt terrific, back to my old self. Then the bleeding started.... What do you do? What a choice!

  • Posted

    I'm thinking about HRT the natural ones made out of wild yams or soy. I have to talk to my doctor about it 

    Try the HRT and see if it works if it desn't try something else. 

    Hope you feel better

    • Posted

      Hi Susan thanks for your reply it really helps a lot to speak to women who are having a bad time too,i find it especially helpful as dont want to keep going on about it to family and friends all the time as women we are just supposed to deal with all the changes and get on with it but it's not the 1940's so thanks for any advice and i wish you all the best XXX

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