Should I try HRT?

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Hi I am 44 perimenopause for 2yrs, but the last couple of months it's been really bad, mood swings, weight gain (2 stone) headaches, sweats, lack of sleep, joint aches, depression, tiredness and my gums are receding I haven't had a period since August this yr feeling super bloated, I need sleep!!!

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Amara, I know exactly how you feel I’m 44 and have all the same problems. I hope you find something to help. X
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      Somebody suggested primrose oil capsules for sweats I've been taking them for just under a week, I haven't noticed any change, I will give it more time. Ive always known about menopause or so I thought but there is much more symptoms that come with it that I didn't have a clue about.

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    I have been given HRT patches today but very confused about taking them.  I strongly want to do this as naturally as possible but finding really hard. X
    • Posted

      Yes I understand completely I'm trying a natural route I'm taking primrose oil capsules, it's been just under a week I haven't noticed any benefits yet but it's early days, I am really considering HRT, let me know how you get on x

  • Posted

    I'll start this by saying I have literally only been on HRT for 10 days (Elleste 1mg tablets plus the Mirena coil for progesterone) and I started a course of acupuncture at the same time I started taking HRT, but .... it seems to be working for me so far. I was taking a sage supplement which controlled the hot flushes as I REALLY didn't want to go on HRT, but they stopped working after about 12 months and suddenly I had an awful few months of horrendous hot flushes (day and night), disturbed sleep, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, anxiety, headaches, mood swings - the works. I initially thought it was down to another medical condition I have (until the hot flushes came back). So I went back to my GP and she prescribed the Elleste, but gave me no information on what to expect, side effects, etc. Hubby and I spent the evening researching for ourselves and after reading so many horror stories I basically talked myself out of taking them. But I was so miserable I thought I had to give them a try, and within a week I was down to feeling a bit warm a couple of times a day, the mood swings and anxiety had gone, and the aches and pains were much better. I will say I felt a bit fuzzy for a few hours after taking the tablet for the first few days, but that has stopped now. I was already gaining weight before taking the tablets, and its obviously too soon to comment on whether that gets worse (fingers crossed it doesn't). All I can say is give it a go. Everyone has their own experience, but mine has definitely been positive so far (which isn't very long I know).

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      I'm glad it's working for are using the patches? X

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      Sorry you said tablets x

      I'm thinking patches for myself, I have always been aware of the menopause, but didn't realise the many many different kinds of symptoms that can come with it, I think that came as a shock to the system.

  • Posted

    Hello Amara

    I'm 45 been going through peri for 5 years the first couple of years I just didn't want to accept it and so carried on regardless thinking it would all go away, after a very difficult couple of years I decided I needed help I think I have suffered every symptom including hair loss very distressing. I have an under active thyroid so I can't take a lot of the natural supplements so I did my research and lots of it there is a lot of bad press about HRT and it's a personal choice but my thoughts are most of the tablets we are given all have side effects of some sort and if we read all of them we would never take anything  I decided enough was enough and I needed to feel normal again so I decided to take the patches. I have to say it was the best decision I made I no longer have night sweats and ache like I have been trampled over by a heard of elephants I can concentrate and feel happier, I'm not saying it's a miracle cure but it's made my life much better and I am able to cope better with it all. I have a very supportive Docter who listens and helps. we are doing the best we can with the choices we have which is not a lot and quite shocking considering all of us will experience this. Good luck and hope this helps somewhat in helping you decide 😊

    • Posted

      Thanks I have been thinking about the patches, just one question if you don't mind? you don't need to answer, do the patches regulate your periods again?

      I feel super bloated.

    • Posted

      Yes they do, previously I was bleeding for weeks on end and really heavy and lots of pain but they are light and only lat a few days now 

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