Similar symptoms
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I'm 47 and have been having menopause symptoms for about and year and a half now but recently they've changed. Periods are now 4/5 monthly and very light when previously very heavy. I've had hot flushes intermittently too that usually last 2/3 months then go and then come back again and feel nauseous alot/mood swings etc. I take Black Coosh which helped at first but think it nowit doesnt.
New symptoms I'm experiencing is feeling weird, hot, but not flushing, weird feeling in feet and legs, achy back and a fussy head, think the anxiety is now creeping in too as am getting tearful, which really isnt like me, and like others have said am thinking there is something seriously wrong with me and that it just cant be menopause that is making me feel so crap. I've been to GP and am awaiting results of blood tests.
I usually do alot of exercise but I worried to do this at the moment as I feel so weird.
I've asked for HRT prevously but they are reluctant to give it to me because of the side effects.
Thiis page has helped me to see what works for others and that Im not alone in feeling like this.
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Woo3353 jo81414
I am 49 years and like you experiencing much the same, my periods are irregular every 7 days, 35 days, 21 days and the menstrual flow is very light but very thin. I started taking Flax seed oil and agnus castra which helped but now there effect seems to have lessened for me too. I had uterine biopsy, ultrasound etc and this showed a very slight thickening for which I was offered progesterone. At present I declined but I will take them if I go back to how I felt in June. Unfortunately the anxiety and panic overtook me and I had to tak anti depressants I practice yoga pilates and have overhauled my diet (no sugar / processed food) but I still can get overcome with anxiety and palpitations. Ita not nice but I keep telling myself it won'the last forever and try to be positive
jo81414 Woo3353
It is a comfort to know I'm not suffering alone.
I exercise 5 days a week but have rested this week cos I feel so rough. I've stopped doing other things too but think I've just got to try and get on with it and like you say be positive.
I'll think I might ask for anti-depressants when I go back to my GP.
Woo3353 jo81414
Anti depressants have helped me but bear in mind the initial side effects are horrendous for around 6 weeks but dealing other peri symptoms is bad enough without having to think I was losing my mind too. I try to be mindful of the fact that's yes we will feel like crap some most and no I won't feel like exercising everyday but you know what it doesn't matter tomorrow is another day
janet67521 jo81414
I started peri at 44, I'm now 49. Started with periods all over the place, then hot flushes at night. Over the years, joint pains, aches all over, mood swings, anxiety. I would try and avoid anti depressants , I took them for years, made me worse, best thing I ever did was get off them. I refused HRT, didn't like the thought of them personally. Eating healthier and lifestyle are the route I took. Everyone experience is different, as is the length of time you go through peri.
pinkcatfairy jo81414
Shelly0069 jo81414
Hi jo.
im 47.
Dito nausea, constintely headaches, tight chest (reflux) aching body some days....and MOOD SWINGS.....mine are awful,
im having a FSH blood test done Tom,so I'm keeping my finger crossed.....
ive been experiencing these horrid symptoms for 22 months, I probably get one day where I feel ok then the symptoms kick up again......ur NOT alone.
elizabeth38734 jo81414
You definitely aren't alone and that helps a little doesn't it? I woke up this morning to my 14th day of HEAVY bleeding with clots, cramps, flooding etc. I feel as if I am seriously keeping the feminine hygiene products industry in business on the east coast. The fact that I'm a teacher and have to spend most of my day standing and moving around etc has been just near torture. I am soooo tearful and moody it's ridiculous. Not like me at all! I hope you feel better and I just wanted to say I get it! 😭😝