Six weeks bleeding high anxiety

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Just wondering if any else has experienced this

bleeding for this long my anxiety has gone through the roof can't stop crying feelings

Of panic my poor partner is suffering he has heart problems so trying not to worry him have scan next week never had any problems before this started with a one day period then two weeks later this started am aware this is similar to another thread I posted but since then I have got worse

Thanks in advance for any response

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    The menopause can cause all sorts of issues with bleeding , ive heard of people bleeding for months  on and off . From what i have read you only really need to worry if it really heavy constantly.  That said it does need checking out to be on the safe side.  you dont give any other info as to your health menopause what stage etc.  My periods have changed so much entering into menopause.  Missed 4 months.. then 2 periods in  2 weeks .. some times light only for a few days.. somethimes heavy for 6 days then i continue to loose coloured dicharge and spotting till i ovulate.  it effects us all differently. Getting stressed will only make the bleeding worseso try and relax... you can change nothing by worrying   smile easier said than done i know.
    • Posted

      Thanks for response it started of as a normal period then constant going light the back to a period again before this I had experience headaches which I never had and some night sweats I am 47 and feel its just starting lol
  • Posted

    Hi, try not to worry, it is very common, however, best get it checked out as it could be a polyp or fibroid which can be treated. I went from a normal 6 days period every 28 days to one that went on for 4 months, sometimes so heavy that I couldn't leave the house. Turned out to be a mixture of peri and a polyp. I had the polyp taken out and a mirena coil put in. I now can go a couple of months with nothing then a couple of months of a light period. The scan should tell you if there is something that's causing it but it could also just be the peri symptoms. 

  • Posted

    Hi lisa,

    I can sympathise with you as I too am all over the place with my periods.

    I'm nearly 44 and think I'm in peri menopause. I'm on the mini pill and up to last summer I just had the occasional light period on this pill. Then bang out of no where I had a really heavy period which scared the life out of me. Had ultrasound scans and all ok but since last summer I can go one month heavy for a few days to a light period for a couple of weeks with what only feels like about two weeks break. Occasional flushes, mood swings and high anxiety plus putting on a bit of weight.

    Really annoying but I do believe peri menopause so please take comfort in the fact you're not alone.. just go to the docs for your own peace of mind and to get their opinion..

    Take care x

  • Posted

    Hi Lisa, are you taking a mini pill? I ask because I was on for 6 months almost constantly on Cerezette.
    • Posted

      Thats weird because I'm on cerezette too, didn't have such messed up periods when I was on the combined pill.

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