skin problem on Tibolone
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I started on Livial back in Feb08, following preventative surgery as I am BRCA2 cancer gene carrier and, like some others on here, had few options as to dealing with flushes, bone health etc. I am 40 years old.
I have developed quite a bit of facial hair, which is annoying, and my head hair seems to be falling out, so much is coming out all day long. But I have developed one body change that is really making my life a misery, and wondered if anyone else had experienced this - or if it isn’t linked to the Livial (as my doctor believes): Around April I remember my clothes started to feel a bit tight around the armpits, and so got little red marks when wearing the more fitting clothes. Slowly I have bought/worn bigger and bigger. It took a few months for me to realise that it was so much an increase in size, but sensitivity – each armpit now has two patches of sometimes sore, sometimes itchy skin. For the last 3 months I have been on a merry-go-round of visiting my doctor – differing diagnoses – impetigo, intertrigo, eczema, dermatitis – and received steroid creams, antifungal steroid creams, antibiotics; but nothing shifts it. I recently asked my GP if she thought it might be the HRT, but said it was doubtful. Has anyone else experience this?
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like you I am a gene carrier; BRCA1 in my case and I had oophorectomy in Feb and was put on this immediately. I got facial hair, hair loss and bad spots as well but since I still have my own breasts, have been told to come off HRT altogether because of the dangerous progesterone content. I truly believe this drug is extremely potent and doctors have not been using it long enough to fully understand. You know your own body - I would seriously consider coming off it and monitoring the results. I don't know if you have to be on this one because you have a uterus but it would be worth checking out - surely your doctor would support you in finding an alternative. Can I recommend and book called [b:22cb4255e9]Sudden Menopause written by an American nurse[/b:22cb4255e9] - it's very interesting for someone in your situation if you have had a surgical menopause that is.
Yes Bridget I do have a uterus, and am not very knowledgable about post-menopausal care. But I will get the book you mention. Any other info anyone has got would be most welcome.
Your Doctor should take you off Livial for a few months to see if they are the cause of your symptoms.
Hope it works out for.
Take Care.[/b:86c4056b14]
I have been on Livial for 4 months and have been ecstatic with the result, but just these past few day have been expereincing itchy skin.
Going to ride it out a bit and hope for the best, then consult my Dr. after new year.
I sympathise with you and your experience on Livial. I have been on Livial for 4 years now after experiencing some bad effects on the menopause. I was put on Livial due to the fact I had a hysterectomy when I was 40 (I am now 57).
One of the problems is weight gain, which I am unable to shift, another is facial hair which I remove with creams; the most recent problem is dermatitis which is gradually spreading over my body and has recently set up home in both my ears and is painful. Like you my dermatologist at the hospital has given me creams to try and ease the problem. The worst problem is my acne. I have suffered with this since having my children but over the last few years, the problem has got really bad and is eating away at my face. I have been seeing a dematologist for the past 3 years. I recently attended a clinic at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge and saw about 14 different dermatologists from over the County and they came to the conclusion that the main problem could be Livial. They have done blood tests (I have not had the results of these yet) and they want me to go onto Femoston, which is an oestrogen HRT combined with taking Minocycline (which I was on long term previvously) to control my acne. They are hoping that this change will alleviate the problems I am experiencing - WATCH THIS SPACE!!