Skipping heart
Posted , 13 users are following.
hello everyone
I am going through menopause and I am having skipping heart beat does anybody having skipping heart beat going through the change of life.
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Posted , 13 users are following.
hello everyone
I am going through menopause and I am having skipping heart beat does anybody having skipping heart beat going through the change of life.
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HopefulTrina kim93615
Oh yes... My heart sometimes feels like flip flops. I started my period this week, and noticed the palpitations are more frequent this month.. So no you're not alone..
Hang in there
susan14493 kim93615
My heart hammers in my my chest so loud i thot someone was at my door knocking! So horrible i havent experienced skipping a beat
Edell7329 kim93615
Yes, i have had it on and off. Its very scary! I had it checked out, everything ok. Thank God!! It is a symptom of peri/menopause
beth12460 kim93615
Take magnesium. It helps. Most people are deficient in magnesium.
Eliaimee1970 kim93615
Hi Kim
yes all the time i have to cough. im 49 so im not sure if im in meno or perimeno.
the doctor put me on a heart monitor for 2 weeks and it was ok just skip beats.
hang in there
rebecca_68782 kim93615
Hi Kim,
Yes, I have had palpitations and flutters for about 5 years now. Have seen 4 cardiologists. Have a mitral valve regurgitation, but other than that....just perimenopause. Doctors not worried about regurgitation. I take calcium and magnesium and motherwort. Good luck. Many blessings. It is scary and disconcerting! Hope you feel better soon.
Up all night tonight with racing heart. Had skipping beats wake me twice last week. I hate this.
Shana_P kim93615
Hello Kim,
Yes absolutely....been going on for me at least a year now....My heart the other day did all crazy things and thought I was gonna faint but didn't. I have bee to the dr.s with Ultra Sound on my Heart as well as heart monitor....all has checked put normal Thank God!!!!!! Hopefully this makes you feel better.
DH59 kim93615
Oh yes! Very worrying. I also have had cardio tests and found to have mitral regurgitation, but nothing else showed up. I've been on beta blockers but stopped them due to side effects, but have decided to take one as necessary, like just now as heart doing flip flops again. I wake in the night with them and it's very scary. Been having them for a couple of years now. I am not sure whether they are connected with my cycle as I have had a hysterectomy some years ago, so not sure where I am.
katie02565 kim93615
Yes, I experienced this along with shortness of breath and dizziness. Had everything checked out and all fine. Then once I researched the menopause and started running workshops for women on it I found out that the reason is due to oestrogen. We have oestrogen receptors throughout our body including our brain, lungs and heart. Hence when oestrogen dips during the peri-menopause is can impact on our brain functionality (foggy brain and mood) and our heart rhythm. It should settle down post-menopause. Good to get everything checked out though to ensure it is nothing more serious.