Skipping heart beats...scary

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Hi Ladies, I have returned to the forum after quite a break. Because of all the menopause up n downs plus some personal issues I'm no longer with my husband & left with nothing, I'm where I should be but not really where I want to be. Three years since a period, so apparently I'm Postmeno...lots of 'symptoms' I've endured have passed but I still have a weird floaty swimmy head & my face sometimes feels hot & many times feel lightheaded, some days my heart skips beats which doesn't do my anxiety any good as it's really this normal? have forgotten what normal is 😕lol

Oh the many things I could say....was just wondering about this flippy floppy skipping heart beat. Take Care ladies

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6 Replies

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           Prayers and Blessings to you.

    I get skipping, fluttering and palpitations thru the peri meno  craziness .  I'm sure it's a part but as always get it check out for  safety and sanity .... if you know what I mean.

    Stay strong ladies

  • Posted

    Ah! Sorry to hear about your separation from your husband Bobbins, it's not a great time of life for any trauma

    I'm in the Uk so it's after 1am so just a quick message.  I just wanted to reassure you that I and other woman have all of the symptoms you mentioned like the dizziness, imbalance feeling you could fall over when standing still and also the palpitations and racing heart sensation

    Some of your symptoms may be made worse by stress and anxiety due to your personal problems also

    I wish you all the best for your new future and know that things will settle and get better with time

    Big hug to you xx

    • Posted

      Thankyou for your reply Brendababy, yes I didn't mention I have anxiety, which doesn't help. I seem to get a run of days where I feel sort of ok then wham! I get a run of days of feeling oozy woozy 'off' with strange sensations that seem to end in emotional tearfulness...oh I hate this change😖 but I manage to get through the day. Being postmeno can you still 'cycle' I thought after 3yrs of no periods I'd be feeling better.... aaahhhhh, sigh

      Take Care & keep well xo

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear about your separation and I'm sure your stress level just went thru the roof at this time in your life. Yes to feeling my heart skipping and dizzy some days. I went to the doctor and found that my iron level was low. After 3 weeks of taking iron pills the dizzy feeling have stopped and my energy level went up but not where it was 4 months ago.

    Stay stronge and know you are not alone going thru the journey of life as a female.


    • Posted

      Hi gilly, Thankyou for your reply. Through countless blood tests nothing untoward has been found, said to my Dr how can I be healthy & feel so weird n crappy..good question LoL it's just menopause but feeling so 'not right' is scary. As we all do no doubt, I take each day as it comes...being told to get a grip & get over it doesn't help, that's a comment I've had from a woman who was lucky enough to sail through a single symptom. I keep positive. Keep well 

  • Posted

    Hi bobbins yeah I too have palpitations and skipping heart beat it is scary I do have all the other symptoms aswell it is a rough journey for sure I also feel very alone sometimes as my husband and two teenage boys are not very sympathetic sending hugs 😘

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