Skipping heartbeat

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Does any body have skipping heartbeats from perimenpause.

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12 Replies

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    I think the majority of us experience this.... At least everyone I've talked to does. I have valve problems so mine get pretty wild at times. And then anxiety sets in... 

    I'll be glad to get off this merry go round!

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    Hi... hun

    How often do you get the skipping heartbeats.

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    Yes its quite common, There are a lot of changes going on with our bodies..tons of changes. Just sit down and let it go back to normal, deep breathe, and just breathe..they will pass..someitmes it takes a while but its normal.


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      Mauiblue.....was your skipping beats not racing fast, skipping beats. Please tell me will it stop.
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    Hi Kim....I sure do. Most everyday I have a period of time where my heart is just pounding wildly for 30 minutes or more. It scared me soooo bad when it first started because I had never really paid that much attention to my heart. I am getting better at just accepting it and not freaking out. I guess this has been going on about 5 months for me. I think it's pretty normal but scary especially when it first starts. The doctor told me to cut back on caffeine which I did..,,but it still happens. 

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    Yes, I'v suffered terribly from palpitations and feeling that my heart is lurching.  ECG and 24 hour heart monitor showed nothing x

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    Yes I get them sometimes but I learn to accept them not get to frighten when they come on.
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    Dear Kim, i have been diagnosed with extra systolas some thirty years ago. I have never made a problem of it, but now, due to peri, my health anxiety is dealing with the heart a lot. It is annoying, debilitating, etc.

    I try to eat well, empty stomach is not good at all, as it "moves", it gives me strange feeling in the whole area.

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    I have had palpitations on and off every since I started perimenopause. At first, they were every other day but as time passes they are now every other month or so.
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      Menopro1970.... so you tell me this part of perimenpause. How long did you have them because this so scary.
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    U tell me this part of perimenpause. What should I do?

  • Posted

    How long did you have them because this so scary.

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