Skipping heartbeat from perimenpause or from postmenopausal
Posted , 9 users are following.
I needs some help here it's strange that after I eat I get this skipping heartbeats. Sometime they just come on.
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Posted , 9 users are following.
I needs some help here it's strange that after I eat I get this skipping heartbeats. Sometime they just come on.
2 likes, 8 replies
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nanc00951 kim93615
I have very weird heart sensations. Sometimes palpitations. The other day I had beats that felt like fluttering.
About 10 years ago, when I was 45, I also had the palpitations. I went through a complete workup (all possible testing) with a cardiologist and their conclusion was that I was pre-menopausal. Now that I am 55 and have just reached menopause, I had the palpitations again, about 6 months ago. They seem to have subsided but I still have weird heart sensations.
I actually went, again, to cardiologist, two days ago. On this day, I happen to be having the fluttering feeling. (my heart will beat normally, then the beat will feel like a flutter) He looked at my blood work, blood pressure, and did an EKG. He, has so far, dismissed any weird feelings as again the menopause stage. However, he did order just a stress test so he can see if he needs to dig any further.
It seems as if weird heart feelings happen to many on this site.
dora_39625 kim93615
Hi Kim. I'm 42 and also experience palpitations, flutters and skipped beats. Also, slower heartbeats. It's madness. It's definitely connected to perimenopause as have read up that hormones can do lots of strange things.
It can be worrisome at times but I just try to relax and concentrate on my breathing when it happens.
My cousin and mum have both experienced the same symptoms.
Pity there isn't a magic wand we can save to cute all of this
dora_39625 kim93615
Gypsy014 kim93615
Hi kim me too after I eat! Flutters and weird skippy feelings, i never had palpitations or flutters before this is a new one for me.. It goes away when I don't eat cheese and beans and other foods , but as soon as I add it back again with the palps and flutters, I think its gas (trapped) cause I feel it up high, just annoying and strange, and worrisome!!!
Eliaimee1970 kim93615
Hi Kim I’m 48 I had a period of heartbeats and high heart rate randomly during the day and the scariest was in my sleep. I end up visiting the ER multiples times with normal EKG, blood work for blood clots and nothing so I end up getting a heart monitor for 14 days and it shows I had premature heart beats and was a benign diagnosis all perimenopause and it went away. This is totally crazy ride. Now I have joint pain in my left leg from the groin all the way to the bottom of my ankle so ultrasounds in the works for next week .
We are in this together don’t worry to much and it is hard not to. 🌸🌸??
lori7712 kim93615
I've had the same thing for many years. It does it mainly after I eat, or after I eat chocolate. Mine are benign, but I did have testing done,which showed PVC's (normal and benign). Now I'm 52 and I get these more. I've cut a lot of sugar out of my diet, drink 1c. Of green tea, instead of black. It appears to increase when my hormones are more out of wack. I'm still cycling (14-21 days in between- yay...not!). So I'm still perimenopausal.
Good luck
paisleygirl kim93615
hyacinth08689 kim93615
Hi Ladies, I'm going though the same heart problem too. i live alone with my teenage son and i have to call my neighbour to take me to the doctor many times. It always happen aroung 1:30 to 2 am in the morning, the last time i went it cost me so much and i have health insurance. And they did blood test and ECG and they they were normal and so the doctor ask me what i was stressing about.
So the next time i feel it coming oni pray sing and just pour out my heart to God until it went away. It is very scary my heart woud beat so fast like it was going to jump out of my chest.
Does and one have blood pressure problem? i have and since December it has gotten worst even with my meds and cooking without salt and exercise, i'm wondering if this is related to this menopouse.