Skipping heartbeats
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hello ladies
I started three year ago periomenpause I haven't seen a period in three now. do any of you ladies have skipping heartbeats, dizziness, lossing weight can't sleep at night. feeling like throwing up hair thinning ladies I need help please ladies tell me something. body aches always up cant rest doing the day time.
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Keljo48 kim93615
Skipping heart beats yes. Thinning hair, yes. Dizziness yes. My body aches everyday and I just had a freak out on my husband in the car tonight because I am at my wits end with my life. I resent him for being a male and normal. 😦 Pain makes me irrational and depressed.
I am two years post menopause. My hair in the front has thinned and I hate it. I had dizziness (not at the moment) and it was debilitating. My doctor prescribed meclazine which helped. Along with dizziness came the nausea. The skipping heart beats worried me but I started taking chelated magnesium 250 mg at day. Found that it works better at night for me. That got rid of the skipping heartbeats for me. Sometimes I get pounding heart
But I do not have the losing weight the opposite. I don't know if mine is hormone related or if I am in my own special hell.
I would recommend if you haven't done so, go into see your doctor if anything just to put your mind at ease.
pinkcatfairy kim93615
Dear Kim
Yes I had and still sometimes have the skipping heartbeats, i did get them when i had my periods too, so i guess then it was hormone related. Digestive issues happen in menopause, hence the nausea esp in mornings in my case, we get all this reflux business which causes it and i think why it happens in the mornings is because we lie flat all night and it is worse eating late too. I have the top of my bed raised for this reason and i have a hiatas hernia. I lost weight in peri bec i got gastitis due to all the reflux etc. I did also get the off balance feeling aswell, one of the many symptoms in peri/meno x
nanette44686 kim93615
hi kim i have been 10 mths period free now im 54 and started around 3yrs ago with peri symptoms i can honestly say it has been hellish every symptom different everyday i have had the skipping heart pounding heart aches thinning hair skin seems thinner ringing ears the list is endless it is so hard ihave a husband and two sons 18 and 20 and none of them are sympathetic it is a nightmare tbh i font take anything just a multivitamin this forum has helped me to know im not alone sending hugs xxxx
dev77856 nanette44686
me too hell On earth get busy living or get busy dying and I feel like I’m dying I’ve been to 1 million doctors I wish I wish I wish I would’ve gone on bio identical hormones and I’m going to go to the doctor to see because I don’t want to keep living like this
dev77856 kim93615
well i actually HOPE its menopause. and ues except the Weight loss. I fainted been to 1 million doctors having chest pain blurry vision so far nobody can really find anything if I was you I’d check out bio denticle hormones because it’s been three years for me now and I wish I went on it because this is hell and I don’t want to keep living like this