Sleep 😢

Posted , 6 users are following.

any ladies out there post men.o...been here before and back again..have had every sleep cycle going but by far the worst is sleeping every other night.i mean 0hrs one night and 12 hrs the next...had this last yr and its crept back. feel like crrying.its so draining and debilitating...what is this.itsawful

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    yep feeling awful! im lucky if i get 2hrs a night.

    feel like crying .

    i look like a old lady.

    • Posted

      ive smoked loads today as ive had no sleep which is worrying and out of bed all night..mind whirring..feel like rubbish..two hrs bless you thats awfiul especially if its every post meno ten yrs and its got worse the older ive got...and doesnt help my health anxiety ♥️♥️♥️♥️

    • Posted

      aww Christine isnt it crap....i tried those herbal things the outher night or at least i thought i did! my eye sight is awful took my laxitives instead didn't sleep...but had the best s__t iv had in ages. lol im really on my last legs its driving me nuts!!

      sending hugs xxx

    • Posted

      oh no😂 i had to to do anything..feel weird and spaced out. it feels like that sometimes doesnt you ever get more than 2 hrs or is that it...any naps in day.i cant sleep in day..sending hugs to you to ♥️

  • Posted

    I do get some sleep but it's like every hour i see the time and then i'll go to the front room and turn on the tv then i'll fall asleep for a little while then i'm back up hot flash's foot cramps then your cold again and it starts all over again,

  • Posted

    I am staying with my friend and he has just lost it cos I can't fall asleep. I tried explaining its not my fault but he doesn't believe me. He has now gone in the other room, won't let me smoke and thinks I'm some kind of monster. I nearly had a panic attack getting here which he didn't even notice.. Oh well at least he's p****d off into the other room like hen I end up in the tiny room at home cos I feel so intimidated by him

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