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Anyone experienced not being able to sleep for long periods of time...I’m talking 40 hrs no sleep..being ok the nxt sleep..then back to square one again.been going on couple of weeks.dont want’s been driving me mad.its like I’m not tired yet I am....get a lot of night sweats but mainly in my head and neck..have spots on my scalp now....
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CarolKelso christine66659
Hi Christine.. Yes I have good and bad nights sleep.. I'll node off f for an hour then awake for couple of hours and if you are sweating, all points to the wrecked hormones... I take magnesium, vitamins d, b and c as this help with my moods and joint.. Also take cod liver oil and tuneric.. Its one day at a time for me until I come out the other side of this bumpy ride. CK
christine66659 CarolKelso
flo38385 christine66659
linda72460 christine66659
Alllie christine66659
christine66659 Alllie
It's awful isn't it.doesnt get much better post Meno either...just been to endocologist and when I stopped periods nine hrs ago my FSH level was over 2000 no ostrogen..there miffed to my symptoms now and think it's anxiety due to lack of sleeping