Sleepless nights
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I fall asleep and wake suddenly about 1.5 hours later with lots of odd sensations including aches and pains, anxiety and fear. I will drop off and then be suddenly woken again. Eventually i go back to sleep about 4 am ! Does this happen to anyone else? This happens every couple of months. My periods have been erratic for about 2 years now.
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debi62095 paulahove24
paulahove24 debi62095
Just feel horrible the next day! Do you have feelings of fear too?
debi62095 paulahove24
lynda20916 paulahove24
Another lady who often contributes to this site posted that when the hormones start to decrease the adrenal gland tries to make up for it, releasing more adrenaline which can lead to the feelings of anxiety, fear and lack of sleep. I know, it's awful!
paulahove24 lynda20916
lynda20916 paulahove24
juanita93228 paulahove24
All I can say is talk to your GYN or PCP. I had a great PCP(He decided he didn't want to be a PCP anymore). I was four years postmenopausal before I started having problems so I feel blessed in that respect. My major symptoms, were anxiety, doom and gloom thoughts(mostly in the mornings), and depression. He put me on 100mg of the antidepressant Trazodone to take at bedtime and Valium to help with the anxiety. I was taking Xanax but it stays in your system for such a short time, I felt like I had to take it too often. The Trazodone and the Valium have worked for me. Sometimes I forget to take the Trazodone and I only take the the Valium about twice a week now, or if I have to deal with something that makes me anxious. But it took a while to find a combination that worked for me. I can't take HRT because of my fibriods and that's fine with me. One doctor put me on Zoloft and the side effect were horrible! but it works great for other people. If you have a doctor you can really talk to do it. If not, try to find one that you can talk to. I'm still looking. I thought I had found one but she was awful. But in the meantime you can come on this forum and talk to us!!!
lena53512 paulahove24
maria_03422 paulahove24
i know what you mean the past 4 years i was dealing with the same thing!
i was getting up so scared around 1am, i will go to my living room turn TV on and the lights and i had so many crazy thoughts and fears going through my mind.
After while i start reading and i will get tired and go back to sleep.
Now i get up around 5am, watch some tv and go back to sleep.
It will get better with time. The only thing is bothering me right now with my sleep are the weird and scary dreams!!
lena53512 maria_03422
Usually my dreams deal with situations from my past, like that I quarrelled with a friend when I was a teenager, etc. It is so real! I think that my brain probably re-organise my memory and clean the old stuff.
My mother who is ninety has a bad osteoporosis, and she took pills based on hormones for some time. The pills helped (no pain, better movement etc.), but she had to stop because of weird dreams she got!
suzie70 paulahove24
cheryl1970 paulahove24
I would say this is the biggest problem I face while going through the menopause. I'm taking sleeping tablets at the moment as I simply can't deal with a full days work on only 2 hours sleep. It's horrid isn't it? Nothing seems to help so I want to try acupuncture next.