Posted , 23 users are following.

Does anyone feel so ALONE and afraid /scared going thru all this.. It seems mornings are so horrible, it's terrible I look around and feel so all ALONE nobody there anymore , kids grown and gone (boys anyway) and wouldn't begin to understand! Husband so distant from me we are like roomates. Mother in her 70s with her own health issues wouldn't dream of crying on her shoulders.. And no real friends at all, I do have a sister but she isn't going thru all these bad symptoms so she doesn't understand! And only talk with her once in a while .. I look around at my very lonely life and wonder what the hell this is my pathetic lonely going thru menopause life now and it's lonely and it sucks! I do have my awesome dogs who are my saving grace.. Anyone else feel so ALONE on this rollercoaster ride??

6 likes, 24 replies

24 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey lovely .... awww no need to be alone going through this 😊.... I too have dogs which is a huge blessing.  Get in touch & we can vent to each other 😊👍x

  • Posted

    Yes I know how your feeling I'm feeling like this right now it's feels strange I wish this perimenapause would just go away. I also been having this pain on my right side of the head back and ear for about a month some days are worst then others ,all I do is pray that God takes this horrible feeling and pain away.

  • Posted

    YES! I could of wrote your post. NO support on my end at all and my husband passed so the loneliness is horrible!
  • Posted

    The same here. My only consolidation is I have had my daughter late and she is only 8. (I am 48. )But there are many moments that I feel lonely & trapped in menapause!

    • Posted

      Ah same.I have 2 adult kids plus my little surprise boy who will be 8 next month and he is my saving grace, my heart, the sunshine in my least he gets me out of the house and such..but man sometimes I’m so lonely  and feel no one understands..thankful we have each other on here!!😊

  • Posted

    Hi I Gypsy, me too just like you all my nerves upset by it my dr had to give me a few sleeping tablets to help me sleep, as soon as I get up they it go again no peace forI always think we are the same going through it I don't know what to do no more but carry on as normal where do you live.

  • Posted

    YES. YES and YES.  I Feel like this daily.  There are good days and bad on this rollercoaster called menopause.  I have even thought of maybe trying some form of medication for my depression.  But the only thing we can do is be positive and hold on to our faith in GOD...and know that it will get better.  Take your awesome dogs for a walk and do something special for your self.  Keep your head up and be encouraged.


  • Posted

    I understand completely and gave it much better. I'm so sorry this is the situation. But let's think on the possible positives. Get involved in some nice organization where your help with also help you. And you can meet super decent folk who also help. Be it in a preemie section, or whatever interests you in free time. Praying for you!

  • Posted

    Your roller coaster hormones mess with you head.  And you might have anxiety which comes on in the AM.  I used to wake up with what I called the hormone hangover.  Just like a hangover.  Then within 24 hours it was gone.  I joined this forum because I could not get enough info from the oby/gyn office.  Very dismissive.  Screw that.  I have gained more information by talking to other women. who are sharing their experiences.  Menopause is not a jump off a cliff its slow and gradual process.  Do your research.  You need to revamp your diet and lifestyle.  This is a change which you to change with. Unless you want to try ovarian rejuvenation.  Google it.  Fascinating.  
  • Posted

    Hey!! You can always talk to people here. This time is already difficult because of its symptoms. If you will feel sad and alone it is only gonna make it more difficult to cope. Try and feel calm and happy. Do some meditation or yoga. Light exercises which dont put physical burden on you. Read some good novels. Let me know your interest and i will try share some book titles with you. I hope you feel better soon and you can always share your thoughts and feelings here. My prayers and wishes are with you.
  • Posted

    Thank you all for your replies.. I definitely do the walking, meditation, and yoga, some days are ok while other days not so ok, and today seems to be one of those not so ok days where you just look around and feel like you're so all alone! I know it passes and I know it's all hormones.. And it helps to talk to others just going through all the same symptoms. Thanks everyone...

  • Posted

    Gypsy, wow your life sounds a lot like mine. Boys gone except for one teenager. My husband is good, but i know he doesnt understand. No sisters. Mom not close.

    You are not alone in all this loneliness. Thats why i come on here a lot. It really does help. We just got a puppy and i had no idea how much i needed him. He is a lot of work, but helps keep my mind busy. I have one friend that i can text that understands. She is my lifeline. You can message me anytime to talk or vent. ((Hugs))

  • Posted

    I feel the same. And my greyhound just died before Christmas, so that wraps up one pretty sh#tty year!
  • Posted

    Oh I’m so sorry you’re feeling like this..I can totally kids are older (still home and definitely don’t wanna hear about all THIS!) , my husband isn’t super excited about hearing any details and my friends somehow aren’t going through it yet or are breezing through with no issues..So yes, I often feel sad and helps a bit to stay hydrated, drink some calming tea, and come on this site..I can say that it helps to know we aren’t alone even if it seems like it and while we aren’t near each other, I promise we are here for you. Keep in touch! 😘

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