So Disappointed Right Now
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I'm 56 years old and I've gone nine months without a menstrual cycle or spotting. I was excited knowing that I just needed to make it through July, and I would be "home free". But as luck would have it, I just started spotting this week. Why can't my body act its age and just let go??? Does this mean that I have to wait 12 more months again???
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brendababy connie00312
Not 100% sure Connie but I would say unless the spotting becomes more established into a menstrual flow then it's just part of the peri and not a normal period. But like I said not sure, I'm 7 months without a period but had light spotting and dizziness a few weeks ago but I wouldn't consider it a period
Good luck and hope you reach the other side soon
Big hugs for you xx
connie00312 brendababy
Thanks so much. I feel a little better now. Even though it's up in the air right now, I feel like there's a chance that I'll be done in a couple of months.
didi0613 connie00312
Mine just sta0rted again this past week almost 2 years or what they call post menopause, so do I go back to square one, or back in peri again. I'm almost 52. This menopause crap sure sucks doesn't it. Hang in there Connie.
connie00312 didi0613
Oh my gosh. I'm getting anxiety just thinking that you can still have a cycle after 2 years without one. When I've gone a month or two without a cycle, my next one would be so heavy, that I would have to change tampons every hour. I'm really hoping that this spotting doesn't mean that next month I'll be having a heavy flow. Thanks for your reply.
nanette44686 connie00312
Hi Connie I had two months period free and thought they would prob have stopped I'm 51 but then April and this month had a really heavy period like you changing every hour leaves you feeling washed out do sick of all these symptoms and feeling like this