So flaming miserable!!!!

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Hi to you all, well it's that time of the month for me ladies and again I have been up since 6am feeling absolutely awful aching neckband back had one awful migrane all day which has only now subsided  so after 10 awful hours I'm beginning to feel a little more human again! I'm peri with some new added symptoms each month the worse for me is migranes Acid reflux aching body arms ,neck,back intact all over! I'm 46 and been in peri for 9 months and feel as though I have aged considerably with it, a few of my best friends are all the same age as me and none of them are in peri yet so not really got anyone to talk to!. How long do we have to put up with ruses symptoms for? Or is ths just the hegining acid reflux is terrible I really have watch what I eat and half the time frightened to eat anything in case I get acid really bad!. Oh the glory full life we have ladies. Thankyou for reading xx

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle, I know exactly what you mean regards the pains, my neck, arms and back are bad today and as you say I feel older than my 50 yrs. I don't suffer a great deal with acid and not had a migraine for a while . I sometimes feel like screaming as I feel nobody else my age is as bad as I am so I'm very grateful for this group as I thought I was going mad. I also struggle to convince myself that I haven't got something like the big C as I feel so unwell most days . Hugs to you😕
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle,

    ​I know exactly how you feel!  It's been all down hill for me since I turned 50! Plus I came off HRT after using it for 3.5 years!  I've put weight on, feel sluggish and lethargic.  Can't seem to lose weight despite trying but now given up!  Mood swings a good week or so before a period and the periods pains and back ache are horrendous.....I get all these symptoms at least a week or more before I actually start!!  I've chronic back ache and been moody these last few days but I'm not due a period until next Monday.  Maybe it will start earlier but I've been quite regular for some time now.

    ​I've also started with acid reflux but it's not really bad thank goodness.  My body aches a lot these days.  I had a long walk with my dogs today and I was shattered and ached by the time I got home.  I feel like 90 not 50!!!

    ​How long do we put up with all this rubbish??  Who knows!!  I'm due to see my gyne again on Friday and I didn't think much of her advice when I last saw her 3 months ago.  Tells me I'm NOT in peri as I'm having regular periods.  Well she should try putting up with MY symptoms!!  I know I'm not ovulating anymore as I could always tell when I ovulated.  But hey, she's just a Consultant what does she know about my body!!! :0

    ​Hang in there, we are all here for each other on this forum :-)

    E. x

  • Posted

    I have had acid reflux really bad this week, tired weak not feeling anxiety plius a new medication caused me more anxieties raised my blood pressure and heart rate 

    i can not take being on meds any more 

  • Posted

    winkso sorry Michelle, had horrendous day myself, I'm a bit further on than you, no periods but I have developed other awful symptoms which I am sure are connected with the change.

    I find it incredible that there doesn't seem to be a genuine medical outreach tp help with such a debilitating syndrome.........................

    this has to be the worst time in my life and I feel so alone, does anybody really take this seriously in the medical profession?? 

    • Posted

      I don't think they do take it serious, they just expect you get on with it. I think unless you go in to your gp screaming you get nowhere which is awful. I have never felt so bad for so long xx
    • Posted

      me too, just think (infact) I can't believe it but I used to go hiking 3 times a week for 3 hours (fell walking)....................................eek

      I now find it hard to get through my work day, I ache all over, calves, neck

      I decided to cut the trees in my garden over the weekend and I'm sure that's what started the hey fever symptoms

      and the worst is not knowing exactly how long this is going to last

    • Posted

      Yes I have always been very active, we have 2 dogs that need walking but most days this is done by my hubby as I am in so much pain and am to tired. I feel so useless at minute. I feel so much older than I feel I should at 50. I don't feel I can make any plans as I don't know how well I am going to be and with bleeding most of time I can't go far 😕
    • Posted

      I know hun, atleast you have an understanding hubby question

      hang on in there

      I wish that I could help more, I do believe that eating the right things does help a little 

      going to zzzz now I'm bushed


  • Posted

    Hi michelle sorry ur havimg such a bad time. I suffer with acid too and doc put me on lanssprozale which has helped I also drimk a lot of peppermint tea n watch what I eat which has inproved it grealy. I also recently started taking glucasmine sulphate tablets for joint pains n already feel much better x maybe try themsee Iif they work for u x hope u fee better soon xx

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