So, I'm going completely nuts
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Hi girls (and any guys brave enough to be here)
I am 45 years old and I am not officially (self diagnosed) nuts. having woken up this morning so sad that I felt suicide is a good option I decided to google me, myself and I.
I had a hysterectomy due to fybriods and schizophrenic and heavy periods 2 years ago. Ovaries lef tin place.
My mother and grandmother both suffered excruciating menopause (requiring psychiatric stays) and it looks like i may be on the same road. I have been to the doctor who says that my bloods show no signs of menopause so (kindly go away)
I am so say and down that I can hardly get up, I lay on the couch on my day soff and cannot get energy to do any more that fend for my needs, my partner is great and really understanding. I work two days but two long days so all others im off.. im so down that all i feel like doing is crying.
i feel anxious and this busy mind, clatter,
The clatter and sadness are my worst symptoms, others i keep under control, i.e sore boobs, headaches, sleeping badly, with diet, but the clatter, oh my Go*,,,....... I relive every bad decision ive made in my life every day, it just wont go away, I feel such remorse and guilt for everything, decisions I made which I now go over 1000 times a day. Ive hardly room for anything else, its why im so tired maybe,.
Any help please... ?
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Sandy07 carpediem
carpediem Sandy07
My mum and grandmother are both passed sadly, both very young, my grandmother was younger than me and died from a heart attack induced by mania (I recently got her death cert), so I fear that I may be on the same road as her.
I have a good diet which does keep the physical symptoms at bay somewhat, but its the mental things which are my concern, its new to me (1.5 years) I know im not schizophrenic or mania as I am a forensic psychologist and know mental illness well (beleive me ive had some self checking going on)
I feel right now that if i take enough pills my clatter will stop and i can be at peace.
Bubbins carpediem
Sandy07 carpediem
Bubbins carpediem
So sorry to hear you're feeling so sad. I can't claim to have had experience of what you are going through, but have you ever tried CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy)? I haven't actually, but have seen one or two counsellors in my time, actually three! All of whom have really helped. Sometimes it's just good to talk, but it seems to me that if you are reliving what you say are bad decisions over and over again, it's no wonder you feel so mentally exhausted. Perhaps you could seek help to look at changing the way you look at things? But please go easy on yourself, don't beat yourself up, and try and just find pleasure in the smallest of things for now 😊. Take care x
carpediem Bubbins
But I do feel better after ebing on here, seems many women get this anxiety and sadness peri menopause, so I think maybe im not going nuts, maybe i need to balance my thoughts a little better.
I do feel under a little more strain than most, as i work in the metal health arena and should be able to handle it muuch better, ?
brimbo67 carpediem
carpediem brimbo67
I do look logically, (dads traits) and know I will be fine with right treatment etc, just hard when you want to cry and feel sad for everything to think positive in that moment, I do feel so much better, just was in the black pits this morning,
Bubbins carpediem
amanda10339 carpediem
susan21149 carpediem
I'm sorry you are going through this. I wish I could take away your pain. Suicide is not the answer to your problems.
I have depression and anxieties myself and yes my menopause has been up and down at times. I am on medications i take zoloft, ativan, trazodone for sleep, I am also diabetic, and I take metformin, I have low thyroid and I take lvothyroxine, i also take one blood pressure pill losartan, i take vitd3 and a multivit.
Yes at times it is hard on me but I pull myself through this, you can do talk to your doctors have your thyroid checked if it is low that can make you tired, take some vit b6 and b12 or an iron pill maybe your iron is down just talk to your doctor and see if you can get yourself a therapist.
Things will be okay just hang in the big hugs to you and my prayers too.
angel368 carpediem
carpediem angel368
Although I may have these thoughts I would never for a moment carry them out, I was just saying that ive felt the best way to solve the emotional pain would be to end it but I know thats just a permanent solution to a temporary problem, I have lived though a family suicide and would never dream of doing that to my kids..... but thank you so much, and everyone on here...xoxoxo
Sandy07 carpediem
helen64949 carpediem
shaznay96184 helen64949