So nervous
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So here I am getting ready to go back to work tonight.. I am having anxiety about it. I have been off for over two months because of the health issues I was having which as of now have to believe is menopause. I am still not well but need money 😞 Still have nausea on and of all day.. anxiety, head pains, hot flashes, spacy feeling, burning chest skin, heart palpitations, right eye blurriness, eye floaters.right Hip pain, sore muscles 😳I am a mess. Somedays are better than others and I'm trying to convince myself that this menopause but it's hard.. I have had so much bloodwork and tests all negative... I am still trying to decide if I want to try hrt but I am trying to hang in here so wish me luck going back to work cause I am scared!! Thank you
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lisa10293 amber29446
Hi Amber. It sounds like you're really going through it. Try to be strong tomorrow- just keep thinking you're not on your own. Xx
Guest amber29446
If you haven't already done this, this is what helped me realize hormones are to blame. I started keeping a calendar and noted how I was feeling each day. Usually with just a big sad face, but also noting some key symptoms. After 3 months of doing this I had completely realized there was only one week that I felt half decent which was exactly mid cycle.
It's the only thing that keeps me thinking I'm not dying from some dreadful disease.
I'm almost at 4 weeks with BHRT and starting to notice that my worse weeks (period and week after) were still bad, but not AS bad. At least there is a small improvement. Hoping it will keep getting better. I only had half a day where I sat in my tub crying that I'm dying. That's better then the two weeks I used to have.
Good luck with work, maybe it will be good to get your mind off it.
Guest amber29446
Good luck, Amber. I have a full-time career and it is really tough to juggle these crazy symptoms with trying to do a good job and please everyone. I'm always afraid that my managers will think I'm crazy. Hang in there and take it a step at a time.
penelope65426 amber29446
Poor Amber how did work go?I know everything you feel.Is there a sickness benefit you can go on so you don't need to work?Try to get as much sleep as you can and rest forget about house work it can wait.xx
Azzumi amber29446
Hope you went ok at work. Completely understand you being nervous. I have a My Days app on my phone and have tracked all my symptoms for 2 years now. Extremely easy to use and you can see if there's a pattern with your cycles. I'm 13 weeks into BHRT and its definitely helping. I still use my app to record anything that happens and also how I feel. I've had a lot of mood problems with menopause.
Don't underestimate peri menopause. I've questioned my sanity a few times. Let us know how you go back at work.
ImagineOneDay amber29446
Thank. You all for your replay and suggestions. I will start tracking my symptoms.. work was ok .. I am a waitress so when my nausea comes on it's hard being around food.. my boss is great and is letting me come back one day a week to see how it goes. I'm very lucky that he will let me do that.. I'm starting to notice( my husbands observation) that when I get anxious it intensifies my nausea. Hot flashes etc... I just found out a family member has cancer after having weight loss over the past few months .. I am now more nauseous and have more anxiety today than I have had in weeks. Because now once again I think they missed something on me 😕 I hate this constant fear and worry.. I just don't know what to do .. I think I'm going to try magnesium for my anxiety. All in taking right now is a fish oil and a vitamin daily Any other suggestions are welcomed
Guest amber29446
Azzumi amber29446
Good to hear work was ok. I work in a very busy retail store and we work alone for up to 8 hours which was hell when my depression and nervous anxiety was bad. Sometimes i would actually cry between customers. Interesting you say your hot flashes are worse when you're anxious, I found the same thing. If I was having a disagreement with my partner or a bad thought they would come on with incredible intensity. My BHRT has stopped most of my symptoms and I started magnesium about a month ago. Not sure if it's doing much. I have used DIM on and off for years and have gone back on it again as I have a lot of trouble controlling my estrogen dominance which is what makes my moods get out of control. The DIM helps with bad estrogens so even with BHRT I feel I still need it. You are incredibly lucky your boss is so good to you. I've taken time of work recently and just had to say I'm sick. Since I've been going through all this I've realized there is a total lack of understanding even sometimes from other women about how cruel menopause can be.
When things were really bad i learnt to take one hour at a time. That was the only way I could cope.
Keep us posted about how you're doing.
Amalie13 amber29446