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I need to vent. i know my family gets tired lf hearing it
I am so done with opening my eyes at 5 am with anxiety. I just want peace. Against wjat i want to do i started taking half a .25 pill of xanax. i just need peace and i guess worry about quitting later. I want this to end. i want my life back. it makes me sad and angry it has taken my joy away. i no longer look forward to the things i used to. idk who i am anymore. i went from an outgoing dont wanna be kn house person to i cant leave the house. i sit alone ( besides my kids ) all day without really talking to anyone. i feel this is prob making me worse but the thought of trying to venture out to do anything is overwhelming. my health anxiety has my mind in overdrive. I have MS, i have heart problems, i have thryoid problems, i have some kind of cancer. even tho i have been to dr more times i like to admit. had every test u can do i think.
MRI. cat scan brain heart lungs. stress test holiter moniter, endoscopy, repeated bloodtests. all normal. I pray for acceptance of meno and peace of mind. this is so hard to go thru when i already auffer health anxiety. thanks for listening ladies. u all have kept me more sane. and im still a mess
2 likes, 20 replies
beth86610 kim74983
kim74983 beth86610
maria____a64048 kim74983
I still take my supplements when I feel an attack coming on. It does get better eventually, you have to fight your way through it. Take time to be by yourself and focus on you.
kim74983 maria____a64048
kim74983 maria____a64048
maria____a64048 kim74983
If your magnesium levels are normal, than try to eat foods that have magnesium in them so you don't overdose. Make sure you eat really healthy, try to eat good quality protein with each meal. I find when I start to eat junk food, my symptoms come back.
maria____a64048 kim74983
kim74983 maria____a64048
lori93618 kim74983
I just bought a salt lamp for my bedroom. They are supposed to help with anxiety. Can't wait until it arrives. I to wake up a lot with anxiety. Will let you know if it makes me feel better.
kim74983 lori93618
lori93618 kim74983
I went on Amazon and read the reviews before buying. I'm hoping it helps my husband's asthma too.
becky53379 kim74983
Hi Kim, I know those feelings exactly. I went through the morning anxiety for a good 5 months. I went through the doom and gloom, a rush of adrenaline and the hopelessness in the mornings as well. I still get anxiety in different situations ( shopping too long, loud places, talking about drama etc.) But my days are soo much better now. I do light walking even if I dont feel like it and I take vitamin D3 and lots of praying. Some days are a struggle but better. You will get through those feelings slowly but for sure! I never thought that I would get through that portion of peri but I have. Now when I feel that way I just limit my outings and rest when I can. You will feel better believe me. Just keep reading on this site and posting. We are all here to help each other
Im praying for all of us. Take care!
maureen12052 kim74983
Hi Kim,
I understand everything you're going through. I'm
there with you. Some days it's so hard to handle.
The worst for me is the medical anxiety. I'm always
worried that there is something wrong with me. I have
had everyone of the systems you talked about at on
time or the other. Right now I'm going through very
itchy breast almost as if I have bugs crawling under
my skin! It's making me crazy!!! I'm constantly checking
my breast for lumps looking every which way in the mirror
I can't take it anymore! When will this be over? I'll be 49
on October 27th. I feel like I have many more years of
this since my period is still going stronge!😪
Cookie313 kim74983
I HAD THIS!!!!!!
it started at around 48!
i struggled with it for a year, then found a great Dr who specialized in Menopause!! After trying a few things we settled on a low dose pill of prog/est. it was not quick but as I am entering into menopause I'm good.
no anxiety, hot flashes and all this other stuff.
I was crazy,
without going on and on Kim... my point is this IHAD that!!
im better, hang in there.
Guest kim74983