So scared!!
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23rd March 6am woke up ( felt strange, bloated hard tummy, felt sick, couldn't breath properly, felt like I was going to pass out, went all weak with slight tingle to hands & feet, heart rate was really fast, when it starting to pass I started burping, & had tight chest like aching muscle when breathing in, iv had a bit of tummy ache a bit like slight period pain/aching overies. This happened in December too and lasted weeks! Also have the urge for a poo now! Had heart tests all came back good. I haven't had a period since last August,
It scares me so much it feels like I'm not getting enough oxygen so my body just wants to pass out!! Does anyone else get this? It's so scary!!
By the way my FSH was high & esrogen was low
feeling alone right now!!
Thanks marie x
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BellaRubia Spree
I did not have any acking chest muscles, though.
Once you were all tested, it is peri. But just to be safe, if you feel like ask someone to keep company to you. I waked up my husband and he stayed with me until I feel fine.
Do not dispair, we can relate.
i burst into into tears knowing someone understands the fear I feel when it happens!
I know what you mean with the blood not carrying air it's like you need some oxygen just so that you can breath!!
Thank you you for your reply x
BellaRubia Spree
There are some things we learn here - we are not crazy, not alone and not exagerating. Peri is worse because we were never prepared for any of this. Saddly no woman likes to talk about that cause it is the same than admiting she is old :S.
It may take a while, but it will pass. Unfortunatelly odds are that you will develop other symptoms before you feel better - one of our friends put a nice list of 65 symptoms. I guess I had about 50, lol. All caused by hormone fluctuation. In any case, remember to check here every time you find a new one, so you do not get so concerned :S. And of course, always check with your doctor to be safe.
altaa96585 Spree
This is so familar to me now, on and off for almost 5 years. All test come out fine. Fast heart rate, feeling like you can't breath, chest and muscle pain, burping, bloating these are just awful, I know how you feel. I realize this is peri symptoms, but you stiil need to have regular check ups if everything is OK. Wondering when there nightmares will be gone... Supporting you all over and take care!!!
Sydneymum Spree
I envy you being period free since Aug last year. You lucky gal!!!
I'm still getting mine, but erratically for last 3 years....but have similar symptom to you which drove me to doctor 2 weeks ago...Iv had early morning wakings around 2.30am, hot and sweaty, heart beating like a freight train....I however recognise it for what it is, anxiety in the form of panic.
But last two months, for two weeks (week of my period and the following week), I'm getting serious anxiety, tight chest like I can't breathe, tingling hands, feel like I'm going to faint and feeling hot over my chest.
Doctor said it was hormonal, classic perimenopause (in my case )anxiety caused by low oestrogen I think she said (hence it's at the start of my cycle)or madly fluctuating hormones...I'm having blood test some time this week or next when the period chooses to show up (on the first day)to measure hormone levels and then decide on action if any.
So you are not alone....The sudden anxiety is panic and the physical symptoms are frightening, but unharmful. Best is to self talk And reassure yourself you are not mad, not havin a heart attack, just having a panic attack and it will pass. Sit down. Have a drink of water and take a few deep breaths and it will pass.
Once you recognise what it is, it is not so scary and just your body out of whack hormonally...
Take care,
debbie03785 Spree
jayneejay Spree
i went through this type of thing ...
You say you havent had a period since August ..the year of no periods for me was the worst .. ( no HRT)
Emotions ran high, use to cry at the drop of a hat, anxiety etc .. Etc ... Etc l.
vit B6 ( 100mg daily helpe this taken in morning )
Still get the odd heart race and i am 21 months post meno, it doesn't all end when your post meno .. Other things start then.. Like Vaginal dryness, bladder urethra dryness and discomfort etc .
but this can be treated by Gyno , i had to get Ovestin Ovules ( vaginal) and ovestin Cream and its helped sooooo much.
in my final period days when i did get one, i felt sick days before, had a migraine lasting 4 days and nights, thats how i knew one was coming.
maybe you have another on its way soon, i got to the 7 month no period mark then had another, then had to wait anothet 12-14 months no periods which is post meno reached ..
be kind to yourself
jay x
jennifer01077 Spree
I had kind of similar symptoms a few years ago, and it turned out to be gastritis. Air gets stuck in the top left part of your tummy, feels like your heart. I've been able to control the gastritis without meds, just adjusting my diet. It's just a thought.
Got diarrhoea a lot, still get it sometimes. I don't eat or drink a lot of things now. Coffee, tea, alcohol, tomato juice, beans, anything acidic. I am not sure, of course, but the burping is a bit of a sign. If you take an antacid and you burp a LOT and the pain goes away, it would be a sign.
Im on anti acid tablets & taking well woman vitamins, I did eat chocolate just before bed last night not sure if this contributed... Iv had a bad headache today & felt very weak & tired.
I have aver so many symptoms to many to list but the nearly passing out & not being able to breath is the worst!
Im so glad I found this site xx
jayneejay Spree
12 - 14 months no periods = Post Menopause ( after peri menopause )
jay x
shaznay96184 Spree
I can't offer you anything regarding your horrible experience.
But I've read the lovely replies you've received, and can only imagine you feel like you've got the support and understanding of some lovely 'virtual' friends on this forum.
Clearly, you're not alone with these symptoms, which I hope reassures you a bit.
I love this site - a real savour for me, and so many others, I'm sure.
Sleep Well.
nancy0925 Spree
I'll get gas pains near my heart which always scares me but the belching helps. I've had tests done and my heart is fine. Its veey scary. Oh and I already had my gall bladder removed...
natalie_63922 Spree