So scared .
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Hi . I'm really struggling at the moment . I have been living this hell for over 10 years . I have another symptom and I'm now scared . I still get the panic attacks .Racing heart , shivers , aches ,pains were I never knew possible. I am on HRT and have been for a couple of years . I had a spurt were everything was fine and I was beginning to feel like me . And now I have terrible rib pain . Get breathless doing the slightest thing. Please has any else had this symptom. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine menapause to be so life destroying . I just want to escape from everything . I know I'm not alone as I regularly visit this forum and without this I honestly do not not what I would do . It's my friend lol. 😊
3 likes, 17 replies
debbie12340 samantha_12886
Oh Samantha, I feel exactly the same ! It’s a living hell that a for sure 😩 I have many horrible symptoms, but I do r know about run pain? Have you lifted anything heavy at all ? I know anxiety can caus so many weird things ? Maybe it’s that ? Wish I could help more xxxx
Deb xxx
samantha_12886 debbie12340
Hi Debbie. No I havnt lifted anything heavy. At least I dont think I have 🤔. As we speak I'm on the couch snuggled under a quilt hoping tomorrow is a better day . 😊 what would us ladies do without this forum. Thankyou Debbie. Sending hugs 🤗
debbie12340 samantha_12886
katyD211 samantha_12886
Hi Samantha
I'm doing the exact same as you right now...under my Xmas quilt because it feels like a warm hug. I am experiencing same things as you...something scary each day.trying not to let it paralyze or depress me.
I tell my self " you just had check up...full work up of tests...all is well." Then I chalk it up to pwei and meno madness and try to get back to l8ving in the moment. Hugs!! We will be good again...soon.
debbie12340 samantha_12886
vicky36055 samantha_12886
Hi Samantha I'm in year 5 of feeling like my body and mind has been taken over by aliens. I just want me back. every symptom had me heading into panic and I've developed bad health anxiety. your not alone. I get chest pain breathless body aches and I constantly think it's my heart even though tests have come back fine. stay positive and although it's hard try not to worry as this makes symptoms worse xx
debbie12340 vicky36055
Hope you don’t mind me joining your conversation. I’m the same as you ! I’ve actually forgotten what normal feels like ? I just wondered amongst your many symptoms have you had any issues down below ? I’m currently in full anxiety mode over strange sensations sometimes when I bend over or sit down . . .not sure if it might be dryness ?? Love Deb xxxx
vicky36055 debbie12340
Hi Debbie that's about the only symptom if not had I'm still getting regular periods just lighter and only 3 days per month. I've seen on other posts that there is cream you can get if it's dryness. in glad in not the only one that feels like i just want normal again like you I've forgotten what it feels like i struggle to even look forward to anything xx
debbie12340 vicky36055
Hi Vicky,
Thank you for replying. I'm not having regular periods, I went 10 months then just before Xmas had a light bleed for 2 days. Since the nothing ? Maybe that's why dryness has started, who knows ? My mind keeps racing and then I think maybe it's not dryness and I've got something worse, like a prolapse ? That's my big fear at the moment. I did have an internal last June and was told I didn't, but that's my anxious mind. Are you taking HRT ? I'm not. Deb xxxx
maria76995 debbie12340
Hi Debbie, I have that mind racing too...don't sleep on edge, feel hot cold can't sit still maybe because of how I feel I live on my many people say it w il end but the mins tells me different I feel like I'm going mad but still Sane all need is my bed then I can't sleep properly without thinking crap..I do remember how I felt in October last year so I hold on to those thoughts daily because I felt better that time so that was the old me then I'm so wishing I go back feeling like that..I keep beating myself up each day because it still not lifted yet my mouth is so dry throat dry eyes dry skin drys eat because I have too, but I'm trying hard not to worry I do go out get on but don't mix and that bothers me..because I want to be me so much I'm hanging on to thread
samantha_12886 vicky36055
debbie12340 maria76995
You must keep reminding yourself that it’s just stupid peri symptoms ! I know it’s hard ! Have you got drops for your eyes ? I have and they really help. Hugs to you xx Deb xx
maria76995 debbie12340
inshad59031 samantha_12886
Hi guys. I know menopause is awful!!! I've had all sorts of symptoms. I have to say though I've been doing something called mizan and it's really helping.
samantha_12886 inshad59031