So scared can't cope

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Anxiety sky high because of these 24/7 headaches. My forehead feels like a rubber band is pulling it the back between my neck and head is in constant pain. Trying to convince myself it's not a brain tumour is so hard x

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    i don't think that's the symptoms of anything sinister wrong with your brain manmoor, sounds like tension, don't know enough about you to say for sure but if your in peri then join the club of the weird and wonderful body sensations

    Try not to worry too much cos it just makes you more miserable


    Brenda xx

  • Posted

    Hi to me the hormones are terrible but they are just feelings and nothing is wrong with us,I use to think something was wrong with my head and had a CT scan thinking I had a tumor but test was fine then finally appointment with neurologist to check the off balance feeling that was ok too,heart test fine also along with other checks

    You be fine as long as your going through the menopause it's all normal,I had s lot weird things happen to me over the years so frightening some of them subsided others still around

    We just can't help thinking something is wrong your not on your own darling hugs.

  • Posted

    Thanks ladies just got my daughter to give me a neck massage and its helped so much I hate hormones x
  • Posted

    I don't normally suffer headaches but now I have migraine auras and eye pain, peri /meno can bring these things on. Sinus pain and pressure can cause these head sensations and sinus problems can cause pain tension in your neck and even over the top of your head. I remember having a bad sinus infection and it affected all of these areas! X

  • Posted

    Hi, hope you feeling better. Make sure you drink lots of water and try inhaling something like menthol or olbas oils on a tissue. I find it helps if I have that rubber band feeling x

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